My Favorite Personality
Related topics:
My Favorite Author or Poet;
The Writer like Most;
Our National Poet.
1. Introduction: I like Iqbal most.
2. Iqbal's poems and the subject of his poems.
3. Iqbal is our national poet.
4. Iqbal's ideas can bring us glory.
5. Iqbal's ideas can unite Muslim countries.
6. Iqbal's greatness as a poet.
7. Conclusion: Iqbal will remain great forever.
| have read many authors and poets in my life. I like some of them but I like Iqbal the most. He is my favorite poet and writer.
At first Iqbal wrote lyrics or "ghazls" in Urdu and Persian. He expresses his ideas and feelings on beauty, love, Nature and human life. He likes the beauty of power and perfection. Iqbal wrote his first famous poem "Koh-i-Himalia”, the grandest and the highest mountain in the world. Iqbal wants things and persons to grow to power and perfection.
Iqbal thinks that love plays an important part in our lives. "Love" is a great passion for high aim. This aim may be to get very close to Allah. Real love has a good effect upon a person’s character. It gives him high thoughts and aims. It makes him struggle in life.
Iqbal shows great love of Nature in his poems. He writes about beautiful birds, flowers, valleys and natural scenes. In one of his poems, he has described the beauty of Kashmir. When we read such poems we begin liking places in Nature. We also feel the glory of God, Who made them. .
Iqbal expresses his ideas about human beings and society very well. In fact, he sees human beings as creatures of Allah Almighty. He wants to see them, and especially the Muslims, as noble, brave and united. When he sees them in difficulties, he becomes very sad. In his great poem "Shikwa", he speaks to Allah. He asks Allah why the Muslims have to face so many troubles when they worship and love Him. But Iqbal also criticizes the Muslims who do not obey Allah. In his poem "Jawab-i-Shikwa", he shows that the Muslims do not obey the dictates of Allah and teachings of His Holy Prophet (PBUH).
There are three books of Iqbal's Urdu poems: "Bang-i-Dara", ’Baf-i-Jibreel" and "Zarb-i-Kalim". He writes about life, human beings, Nature and Allah in different poems. He teaches us to live a life of struggle and effort as Muslims. He asks us to understand the Greatness of Allah and obey Him. We feel love for our country and for the entire world created by Allah while reading Iqbal.
Iqbal is our greatest national poet. He awakened the Muslims of India much before partition through his poems.' He told them that they were one nation. He asked them to get united and struggle for their independence. He rather asked each Muslim to develop his "self. He asked each Muslim to use his hidden powers and make his future glorious. The Muslims of India followed his advice. They became Powerful enough to get independence. Iqbal thus gave us the idea of national independence and a new country. He helped the Quald-e-Azam much in getting independence.
If we act upon Iqbal's ideas we can become a great nation. Iqbal wants us to work hard honestly for our true aims. He wants us to become perfect Muslims. He wants us to be afraid of Allah and be helpful to one another. He has written about the unity of ail the Muslims of the world. He says that all those who obey Allah and His Prophet are like brothers. The Muslim nations of the world can become one great nation if they act upon Iqbal’s ideas.
Iqbal has expressed his ideas in fine language. He uses proper words in his poems. He uses them in a musical way. His ideas and language agree with each other. Iqbal is a great poet of ideas and language. He is going to live forever as a great poet. His ideas will always have their appeal. Many Muslims in Pakistan and other countries read Iqbal's poem with love and devotion.