My Favorite Book
Related topics: The Book I Like Most; The Book That Has Influenced Me.
1. Introduction: Most widely read book.
2. The revealed book.
3. The book ennobles human beings.
4. The book guides us.
5. The book gives message of hope.
6. The book covers every aspect of humanity.
7.Conclusion: The book must be acted upon in letter and spirit.
Some books are to be tasted others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested but "The Holy Quran" stands above all books.
It is most widely-read book in the world. It is the only book that is original in its form, deeply influencing and source of; guidance under all circumstances. The first chapter of the book is regarded a gateway and charter of noble life. This is the total submission to Allah Almighty. It is the declaration that Allah is the Sustainer of all the worlds. He is the Lord and He will show us the right path.
The Holy Quran is the book that has been revealed to the last Prophet of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.). It is the final code of good conduct. It is a complete guidance to its followers. The person who acts upon its injunctions leads an ideal life. The last fourteen centuries have proved the truth of this statement.
The Holy Quran realizes the basic weaknesses of man and then gives guidance to him. It keeps in views man's ambitions. All the major affairs of man’s life have been discussed in this great book. From man's birth to his death, from marriage to divorce and from his death to the Day of Resurrection, all the matters of life have been described in it.
The Holy Quran tells us how we can make our lives worth-living. It tells us how we can become useful members of the society. It also tells us how we can attain permanent bliss in the world hereafter. It has the golden rules of politics, business, commerce, foreign affairs and social justice. Its instructions are clear, easy to understand and easy to follow.
The Holy Quran is pretty positive about man. It always admires man's inborn goodness though it warns man of going wrong. It clearly says that man is the deputy of Allah Almighty on earth. He is in this world to fulfil Allah's mission. For this purpose, he must be physically and spiritually pure.
The Holy Quran has many chapters that guide man how to keep himself pure. Man is required to attain purity while living in the society. His social role has always been stressed. For the purpose of purity, man is never allowed to go to monastery. He is encouraged to live in the society to enact the injunctions of Allah Almighty. It exhorts to improve man's collective and social life. The mission of this book is to uproot all the social evils. It enjoins good and forbids evil. It demands us to change ourselves and become a role model for others to follow.
Our dear Holy Prophet (S.A.W) not only left this book to us but also proved it through his own life. He led his followers by setting his own example. He preached what he practiced. It is the duty of the Muslims of present era to recite, think, understand, act and spread the teachings of The Holy Quran to those who are bereft of its benedictions It is not for mere discussions contradictions and confutations.