English Essay on My Idea of Ideal Life

My Idea of Ideal Life

Related topics: My Idea of Utopia; An Ideal Society; An Ideal Country; An Ideal World.

1. Introduction: People have different ideas about an ideal world. Our world can become perfect on certain conditions.
1.            Our world can become perfect if there is justice and equality.
2.            Social evils must be uprooted to make our society an ideal one.
3.            There should be peace within peace without.
4.            Conclusion: There should be general cooperation among nations and countries to make the world ideal land perfect.

People have different kinds of ideas about ideal world. Some think that our world would be ideal if there is peace and harmony among people generally. Some say that socialism is necessary for an ideal life. Others put forth the idea that an ideal life would be one in which people are religious. However, our world can be deal if it is perfect in all ways.   
Our world would be ideal if there is justice in society. If all human beings respect the rights of one another, they will enjoy satisfaction of heart and mind. They will find everyone obeying the law and living peacefully. In such a society, human beings will also understand their duties. They will do their duties honestly and sincerely.
Our world can become ideal place to live in if there is perfect peace in the world. There should be peace in the world between different countries. All countries should decide to settle their differences through table talks. They should avoid war at all costs. Then it will bepossible for them to make quick economic and political progress. Human being should learn to cooperate and work together in different fields of life. They should spend all their energies in constructive and positive way.
Our world would become ideal if there is economic equality in society. All human beings should nave reasonable income. They should be able to fulfil their basic needs in an easy way. They should be contended in every respect.
The world would be an ideal place to live in if all human beings have enough chances of making progress. People should be able to get jobs easily. They should be able to earn according to their qualifications. Working classes should be able to get wages according to their work and effort. If all this happens, people would feel satisfied and happy.  
Our world would be ideal if everyone in every part of the world is quite prosperous. All the people of the world should have basic facilities of life. They should be able to get their children educated easily. They should have regular income all through their lives. All parts of the world should be developed. No country of the world should be dependent on other countries for its existence.
Our world would be perfect and ideal if men and women both work together for the progress of society. There should be equality between them as much as possible. Women should not have the feeling that they are being oppressed by men.

The whole world can become an ideal place to live in if human beings resolve their political, economic and religious differences to work for peace and progress. It can be achieved through cooperation between different countries. Their politicians and rulers should agree to make their world a fit place for all human beings. They should decide to use science and machines for the sake of the welfare of the people. The people should also cooperate with the government in its efforts to bring peace and prosperity in the world.