General Studies Questions For Competitive Exams

1. Which popular freshwater aquarium fish species is also known as 'Millionfish & Rainbow fish'?
Ans: Guppy

2. Which prominent writer in Hindi is referred to as the 'Greatest Scholar (Mahapandit)'?
Ans: Rahul Sankrityayan

3. A person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas is known as:
Ans: Polymath

4. Which writer's autobiography is 'Meri Jivan Yatra'?
Ans: Rahul Sankrityayan

5. Which national leader was the key accused in the notorious 'Baroda dynamite case' during the Emergency of 1975-77?
Ans: George Fernandes

6. What are the major components of human skin oils?
Ans: Triglycerides

7. Which country's major public limited company is the Ghandhara Industries Limited?
Ans: Pakistan

8. Which country's privately owned airline is the Pamir Airways?
Ans: Afghanistan

9. The last resting place of the first Mughal Emperor Babur, the Gardens of Babur is situated at:
Ans: Kabul

10. Which American city has the nickname of 'America's Finest City'?
Ans: San Diego

11. Which Hungarian engineer is believed to have coined the term 'Biotechnology' in 1919?
Ans: Karoly Ereky

12. The designing of organisms to produce antibiotics is known as?
Ans: Red Biotechnology

13. Which is the largest biotechnology company in the world?
Ans: Johnson & Johnson (USA)

14. Which Indian businessman was the founder of the Future Group?
Ans: Kishore Biyani

15. Which was the Shia Muslim dynasty of South India?
Ans: Adil Shahi Dynasty

16. Name the French physician & traveler, who for 12 years was the personal physician of Emperor Aurangzeb?
Ans: Francois Bernier

17. The war between the English East India Company and the Mughal Empire which lasted from 1686 to 1690 is known as:
Ans: Child's War

18. Where is the headquarters of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India situated?
Ans: Mumbai

19. Which ISO standard represents the environmental management system?
Ans: ISO 14001

20. The Government owned corporation of India BHAVINI deals with: 
Ans: Nuclear Power

21. Which organisation has instituted the Prani Mitra Award?
Ans: Animal Welfare Board of India

22. 'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated' - Whose words are these?
Ans: Gandhiji

23. Which cultural activist pioneered the founding of the Animal Welfare Board of India?
Ans: Rukmini Devi Arundale

24. Which Article of the Indian Constitution deals with the nomination of two members from the Anglo-Indian Community to Lok Sabha?
Ans: Article-331

25. Who was the first woman nominated member of Rajya Sabha?
Ans: Rukmini Devi Arundale