1st Year Biology Important Questions Guess Exam 2016

1st year Biology
Ch 1
Bio in the service mankind (health,food,environment ) Biological method.
Ch 8 Nutrition Reproduction,Basidiomycota, imp of fungi.
Ch 2 Carbohydrates,lipids,level proteins.
Ch 9 Anthoceropsida, Evolution seed & leaf,life cycle adiantum,angiosperms,imp rosaceae, solanaceae, poaceae
Ch 3 Factor affecting rate reaction
Ch 4 P.membrane.Golgi apparatus, cytoskeleton, lysosomes, mitochondria,plastids
Ch 11 Light,Dark reaction kreb cycle,Glycolysis
Ch 5 TVVO Five kingdom system.life cycle phage virus.aids
Ch 12 Nutrition insectivorous plants.stomach.absorption food
Ch 6 Structure of bacterial cell.nutrition bact.
Ch 11 Photophosphorylation..accessory pigments,chemiosmosis,bioenergetics,redox process,rubisco?its function.action spectrum,lactic fermentations.aerobic & anaerobic respiration.compensation point.
Ch 12 Name two salivary glands nitrogen.omnivorous.heart burn.ingestion & egestion.macrophagous feeding. Fluid feeders.synbiotic nutrition. Peristalsis & antiperistalsis.
Ch 13 Photorespiration.operculum.pleura. Diving reflex.surfactant its function Two symptoms of emphysema.alveolar their function. Inhaled & exhaled air.
Ch 14 Pace marker.pulmonary circulation.transpiration.plasmolysis & deplasmolysis.stornata open one method.blood pressure. ECG.atherosclerosis.immunity.pressure flow theoryfole of platelets.stomatal transpiration.singal circuit heart.my corrhize.cardic cycle Cell mmediated and hurnoral immue response.