Research proposal Effects of distributed leadership on organizational outcomes at secondary level


Effective school leadership is a basic principle for the success of the school, as a result of a school depends on the quality of leadership. As a current popular form of leadership, distributed leadership focuses on the management of all team members in a school. Research shows that effective leadership depends on the situation and the time of school.The success of the school as a result of a school ingredient depends on the quality of leadership. As a recent beloved form of leadership, distributed leadership focal point of management for all team members in a school (Salahuddin , ‎2012).It is  relatively a new concept of educational leadership with a focus not only distributed leadership, as well as leadership of the head of the school, to those of other team members (Salahuddin, ‎2012).
Effective leadership is a fundamental principle of successful schools. Educational outcomes depend on the quality of management, as Bush and Jackson (2002) imply that "the relationship between school leadership and high quality of educational outcomes is well documented. Shows generations of school effectiveness research that excellent leadership is still an important factor in the performance of the schools”. The relationship between efficiency and the quality of leadership in different contexts academic world has been recognized and explored by various researchers. Much of the current research focuses on the concept of distributed leadership. (Salahuddin ,‎ 2012). Muijs and Harris (2004) describes that, however, the image of the hero guide does not work. And the fact that not a strong enough incentive are required to function as an engine he is, and to promote efforts to improve the school. Strengthen the meaning and success in tomorrow global sense, it depends on the ability of management to take advantage of the efficiency of the local residents, and to build a community of responsibility.  
Salahuddin (‎2012) says that, school leaders rarely think about how a management style would be beneficial for a school and why they should use. Harris (2002) identifies the distribution management as a success factor for  leading company in a challange, depending on the situation and context of each school. Effective leaders must work both inside and outside the confines of their school context. As there are ambiguities activities that can actually be considered leadership, it is difficult to define the limits of the work of leaders. Leaders can work individually or in collaboration. Duignan (2006) expresses a concern,'' Many education officials to leave them alone and isolated, assuming primary responsibility for the direction of their school. This is a very narrow view of managerial skills and leadership ignores teachers, students and other stakeholders in the community.'' Leadership in education requires a culture of exchange of energy, commitment and contribution of all those who work there to succeed with their leadership responsibilities (Salahuddin, ‎2012).It  have been considered, however, schools and organizations to work together to tackle complex societal challenges depends. As Elmore (2000) votes school leadership beyond the ability of an individual or individuals in formal leadership positions only, and should be distributed to the company's "specialty lines" in the sschool community, creating a culture that cohesion, orientation and direction of teaching, learning and leadership .
The model of the singular, heroic leader is at last being replaced with leadership that is focused upon teams rather than individuals and places a greater emphasis upon teacher, support staff and students as leaders (Harris, 2004). Distributed leadership is a relatively recent concept of educational leadership which focuses not only on the leadership of the head of a school but also on that of other team members. Collinson (2008) imply that, From the perspective of distributed leadership involves mortals like the hero. It means a lot, not just a few. This is leadership, not only the roles and positions. Skills and leadership is about interaction, not just the actions of a hero."
Statement of the Problem
The focus of this study will be to explore  the effects of distributed leadership on organizational outcomes  in schools, to find out the conceptualization or level of understanding of distributed leadership in schools by Principles and School Teachers, the opinion and perceptions of  Principles and School Teachers towards distributed leadership in organization and to discover the impact of distributed leadership on various aspects of  organizational outcomes such as teachers participation in desicion making and in the matters of school improvement. Moreover, this study will assess the impact of distributed leadership on organizational outcomes, organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the Principles and teachers at secondary level.
Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this study were:
1. To analyze school members’ perception of distributed leadership and their organizational commitment and job satisfaction.
2.To Explore the relationship between distributed leadership and organizational commitment and/or job satisfaction of school members.
3.To identify  the reciprocal relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction.
4. To find out the impact of distributed leadership on decision making, employee morale and school growth.

Research Questions of the Study
Based on the objectives of the study, the following research questions were explored.
1. How do school members perceive distributed leadership?
2. How satisfied are principals, teacher leaders and teachers with their job?
3. How committed are teacher leaders and teachers towards the school?
4. What are the effects of distributed leadership on context variables, job satisfaction and organizational commitment of school principals, teacher leaders and teachers?
5.  What is the impact of distributed leadership on decision making, employee morale and school growth?
Significance of the Study
 This study is much important in its nature because in Pakistan there is no study conducted about “the effects of distributed leadership on organizational outcomes”. This study may be helpful for policy makers and educationist to take insight in the school leadership. And it may be helpful for implementation of distributed leadership at all educational level.
Assumptions of the Study
 While conducting this study it will assume that respondents gave their opinion without any bias.
Delimitations of the Study
 The study will be delimited to the principals and teachers of secondary schools in Lahore.
Operational Definitions
Distributed Leadership.Is an attitude rather than a management technique. Basically it’s an environment in which all the members of faculty are responsible and accountable for leadership within his or her area and they feel free to develop and share new ideas.
Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction refers to the extent to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their job. This indicates that job satisfaction is an attitudinal variable. Some of the indicators of the job satisfaction are attitude towards the duties, working conditions, involvement, supervision, emoluments, reward systems and promotion possibilities (Hulpia, 2009 & khan,2012).
Organizational Commitment. Organizational commitment as the relative strength of an individual’s identification with and involvement in a particular organization. As a result, the committed person believes strongly in the organization’s goals and values, complies with orders and expectations voluntarily, exerts considerable effort beyond minimal expectations for the good of the organization, and strongly desires to remain affiliated with the organization (Hulpia, 2009).