Research proposal An analyze of the assessment patterns of English at level XI

English language is one of the most important and effective source of communication in the world. English language is the language of science and technology and business management so for the purpose of communication English language learning is the requirement of present era. To check the achievements in language learning required a process of language assessment.
As the ability to speak more than one language become more important, so to assess the language abilities of second language learner in class room assessment can be seen as an ongoing process, in which the teacher uses various tools to measure the progress of the learner. Among these tools are portfolios, self-assessment and of course test. Test play an important role in   the student’s abilities and skills in learning if assessment can be seen as movie, then test is a freeze frame; it gives picture of the learner's language at a particular point in time used properly, these tools can help the teacher develop full picture of the learner’s abilities and progress.
A test is the basic tool of assessment in English. Language assessment checks the ability and fluency of English language learner. In this case it’s based on two types of assessment. First is the "subjective" assessment .it is the form of questions which may have more than one correct answer. Second is the" objective” assessment it is the form of questions which may have a single correct answer.
Now a days objective assessment is well suited to the increasing popular in learning process because objective assessment cover the whole course. it is not the test of students memorization but also their abilities and their learning. objective assessment is considered more beneficial  ,Because objective assessment assess the learner’s English skills, due to its comprehensive, but subjective assessment has its own importance it assess the students competence of language it assess their writing skills and discourse competence. Both objective and subjective assessment play a significance role in educational process.
Every educational system is based on five major components (zahoor, 1998)
  1. Students
  2. Teacher
  3. Teaching method
  4. Curriculum
  5. Society
According to Maqbool Ahmad2006, there is one more major component along with other five components that is evaluation and assessment. Assessment is like backbone in educational system..
1.1. Statement of the Problem
"An analyze of the assessment patterns of English at level XI.
1.2. Objectives of the Study
To highlight the assessment pattern in English at Xi level
·                     To analysis the role of objective and subjective assessment in language learning.
·                      The validity and reliability of subjective and objective assessment in educational process.
1.3. Significance of the Study
·                     This study has following significance.
·                     It helps to understand the assessment pattern in English at secondary level.
·                      This study also proves to be helpful to understand the significance of "objective and "subjective" assessment in English at present era.
·                     This study is also useful to understand why the scope of objective assessment is increasing day by day in the field of objective.
1.4. Research Questions
·                     To what extent the various assessment method and types are important in English language.
·                     Does objective types items are more valid then subjective test items in assessment of English language.
·                     Does objective and subjective assessment both are English language assessment.
1.5. Delimitation
·         The students were confined to the government and private colleges of Sheikhupura.
·         The students of secondary level were considered for study.