Has Lindsay Lohan embraced Islam???

Troubled Hollywood model, actress and singer, Lindsay Lohan, who is currently in Brooklyn to start her court-ordered community service at the Duffield Children’s Center, has spotted carrying Holy Quran while leaving after completing her first day of service. The international media is behind Lindsay to know the reason of her carrying the Holy Quran, is she embracing Islam?
The 28 years old American singer of Irish and Italian descent has been raised as Catholic. She is currently doing community service as a result of a 2012 reckless-driving charge in Los Angeles.

Earlier this year, Lindsay posted this Instagram image of a Prayer from Quran but later deleted it

'I'm a very spiritual person and I've become more spiritual as time has gone on,' she told the talk show host.
Previously, Lindsay has experimented with various religion in her career. She looked into Kabbalah and seen wearing the red bracelet before morning on to Scientology followed by a near-conversion to Judaism for the sake of her former girlfriend Samantha Ronson.Though the reports of Lindsay Lohan converting to Islam have not been cleared by any official authority or by Lindsay herself but the international media is getting very curious of her holding the Holy Quran. Lets not jump to the conclusion and wait for the official version of Lindsay Lohan.

Has Lindsay Lohan Embraced Islam?Read Here: http://pakmainstream.blogspot.com/2015/05/has-lindsay-lohan-embraced-islam.html
Posted by Pak Mainstream on Thursday, May 14, 2015