Current Affairs 11 August 2014

  • The United States of America has taken the action against the ISIS terrorists. The bombs has dropped by the USA namely F/A-18 from the aircraft of USA. It is very important to mention here that few days back, the Government of Iraq demanded military help from USA. There is need to know you that USA has the strongest military power in all over the world. 
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Ebola Virus as Global Health Emergency. WHO has taken this decision after seeing that this is fatal to the human lives and about 1000 people were died affected by this Virus. 
  • Reserve Bank of India drafted guidelines to implement the Bharat Bill Payment Scheme (BPPS) often called as “any time any where” bill payment system. 
  • The Nepalese boy namely Jeet Bahadur Maru Sagar was reunited with his family by the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi. Prime Minister of India complete this responsibility during the two day visit to Nepal recently. 
  • On 8th August 2014 India and USA decided to for co-development and co-production of advanced weapons systems which will revive the Defense Trade and Technology Initiative between India and USA. 
  • “ZERO HUNGER CHALLENGE” was set up by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations under the efforts to ensure that every one have the right to adequate food. 
  • SHERLOC is the first UV Raman Spectrometer that will fly in Mars. SHERLOC (Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman and Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals) will carried by the Mars 2020 rover mission. 
  • Qaraqosh and surrounding areas is the largest Chiristian town in Iraq. ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) has taken the control over this town recently. 
  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan became the first elected President of Turkey. Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the headof Justice and Development Party. 
  • The book namely Strictly Personal, Manmohan and Gursharan was written by Daman Singh. Manmohan Singh was the 13th Prime Minister of India. This book is based upon Manmohan Singh and his wife Gursharan Kaur,