BZU Ba English guess, Model paper of annual exam 2014 Download

BZU Ba English guess, Model paper of annual exam 2014 Download,

Five Poets
  1. Lucy Gray
  2. Three French revolution
  3. The solitary reaper.
  4. Ode to the west wind
  5. Kubla Khan
  6. The forsaken Meraman
  7. La Belle dame sans merci
  8. The rime of the ancient mariner
  9. Selection
  10. Quaid-i-Azam
  11. The constituent assembly
  12. The unconscious artists
  13. On babies Islamic culture
  14. Even exchange
  1. Three days to see
  2. Work
  3. Shooting an elephant
  4. The Oxe
  5. A man of ideas

Modern English Essays
  1. Pakistan and The Moden World
  2. Energy Crises
  3. Social Evils
  4. Corruption
  5. Terrorism
  6. Higher Education
  7. Load Schedding
  8. Suicide