History Free Online Solved Paper

History Free Online Solved Paper

Objective History Test Paper

1. What is the correct sequence of the following in the history of South India?

1. Expansion of the Mauryan rule

2. Beginning of the Megalithic culture

3. Sangam Age

4. Pahallava ascendancy

Select the correct answer from the codes given below —

(A) 2, 3, 1, 4

(B) 2, 1, 3, 4

(C) 2, 1, 4, 3

(D) 1, 2, 3, 4

Ans. (A)

2. Sharqi kingdom of Jaunpur was founded by—
(A) A. Muhammad Shah

(B) A. Babar Shah

(C) Malik Sarwar

(D) Malik Mubarak

Ans. (C)

3. The statement that “if by worshipping Stones one can find God, I shall worship a mountain.” was made by—

(A) Ramánand

(B) Namdev

(C) Guru Nanak

(D) Kabir

Ans. (D)

4. Among the Pandiviras who belonged to the Vrishni clan, Samba was the son of —

(A) Rohini

(B) Rukmani

(C) Jambavati

(D) Devaki

Ans. (C)

5. The first surviving ture dome in India is —

(A) The Alai Darwaja

(B) Sultan Firuz’s Madrasa

(C) Balban’s tomb

(D) Arhai-din Ka Jhaunpara

Ans. (A)

6. Which one of the following is not correct about the painters attached to the imperial

establishment during the Mughal period?

(A) They did not depict the common man and his life

(B) They never showed any technological devices in their paintings

(C) They never made paintings as joint work

(D) They never made self-portraits

Ans. (D)

7. Which of the following were used for drawing water for irrigation during the post- Gupta period?

1. Araghatta

2. Vapi

3. Tadaga

4. Pranali

Select the correct given below —

(A) 1, 2, 3

(B) 1, 3

(C) 2, 4

(D) 1, 2, 3, 4

Ans. (D)

8. Paloura, mentioned as a port in the early sources was located on the coast of —

(A) Kerla

(B) Vanga

(C) Kalinga

(D) Andhra

Ans. (D)

9. The title of Alamgir was assumed by—

(A) Akbar

(B) Shah Jahan

(C) Aurangzeb

(D) Jahangir

Ans. (C)

10. In which one of the following forms of marriage bride-price was paid by the groom?

(A) Brahma

(B) Rakshasa

(C) Paisacha

(D) Asura

Ans. (D)

11. Zamindari in Mughal India was not—

(A) A saleable right

(B) Hereditary

(C) Ownership of land

(D) Mortgageable

Ans. (A)

12. The Sardeshmukhi of the Marathas was —

(A) A tax levied on deshmukh

(B) A capitation levy

(C) A share in revenue collected by other authorities

(D) Village lands set aside for the deshmukh

Ans. (A)

13. Which one of the following is the oldest smriti?

(A) Vishnu Dharamasastra

(B) Manu smriti

(C) Yajnavalkya smriti

(D) Narada smriti

Ans. (B)

14. Who among the following had a social status higher than that of the other three in the Vijaynagar kingdom?

(A) Weaver

(B) Potter

(C) Smith

(D) Leather-worker

Ans. (C)

15. Which one of the regions is known for paintings that are manuscript illustrations in miniature executed on palm-leaf during the period A.D. 1100-1300?

(A) Kerala

(B) Deccan

(C) The Chola kingdom

(D) Western India

Ans. (A)

16. Land revenue in the Vijaynagar kingdom ranged from—

(A) 20% to 25% of the produce

(B) 26% to 30% of the produce

(C) 31% to 50% of the produce

(D) 51% to 60% of the produce

Ans. (B)

17. That ginger and cinnamon were produced in large quantities in the pandya country is mentioned by —

(A) Megasthenese

(B) Ptolemy

(C) Ibn Said

(D) Marcopolo

Ans. (D)

18. Pratishthana, an important trading centre was on the river —

(A) Kaveri

(B) Krishna

(C) Godavari

(D) Narmada

Ans. (C)

19. Who among the following was the most redical of the Bhakti Saints?

(A) Ramanandas

(B) Tulsidas

(C) Kabir

(D) Namdev

Ans. (C)

20. Which one of the following looked after the military department under be Mughals?

(A) Mir-i-Saman

(B) Sadr-us-Sudur

(C) Mir-i-Bakshi

(D) Diwan-i-Ala

Ans. (C)

21. “Service was his portion in life.” This was applicable to —

(A) Buddhist Bhikshu

(B) Vaishya varna

(C) Sudra varna

(D) Chanela

Ans. (C)

22. Which one of the following was a new cash crop introduced in India during the 17th century?

(A) Indigo

(B) Red Chilly

(C) Groundnut,

(D) Tobacco

Ans. (B)

23. The celebrated author Kshemendra lived in —

(A) Bengal

(B) Kashmir

(C) Maharashtra

(D) Gujrat

Ans. (B)

24. ‘Mahaakshapattalika’ was an official incharge of —

(A) Chariots

(B) Navy

(C) Accounts

(D) Infantry

Ans. (C)

25. The Mughal emperor who drove away the Portuguese from Hoogli, the premier port of Bengal was—

(A) Akbar

(B) Jahangir

(C) Shah Jahan

(D) Aurangzeb

Ans. (C)
