Indian History IAS-UPSC Question Paper

Indian History IAS-UPSC Question Paper

History Objective Test Paper

1. Which one of the following statements regarding the stupa is incorrect?

(A) It has an umbrella at the top

(B) It has a Sanctum sanctorum

(C) It has a circumbulatory path (Pradakshina patha)

(D) It has a fence surrounding it

Ans. (B)

2. Who among the following Sufis advocated the theory of ‘Wahdat-ul-Suahud’?

(A) Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya

(B) Shaikh Ahmad Sarhindi

(C) Shaikh Salim Chishti

(D) Maulana Abdul Hai

Ans. (B)

3. ‘Kalilah wa Dimna’ is an Arabic version of the —

(A) Brahma Siddhanta

(B) Mahabharata

(C) Panchtantra

(D) Sursuta Samhita

Ans. (C)

4. According to Shankaracharya the Primary means of Salvation was —

(A) Knowledge

(B) Worship

(C) Visiting Tirthas

(D) None of these

Ans. (A)

5. The Sufis first settled in —

(A) Sindh

(B) Gujarat

(C) Punjab

(D) Both (A) and (B)

Ans. (D)

6. Nagarsresthi and Sarthavah are referred to in the context of urban administration in inscription of the Gupta period from —

(A) Madhyadesha

(B) Pundravardhana

(C) Avanti

(D) Saurashtra

Ans. (D)

7. The one Administrative measure introduced by Banda Singh, which had great influence on the future history of Punjab was —

(A) Assumption of royal authority

(B) Striking coins in the name of the Guru

(C) Introduction of an official soal

(D) Abolition of Zamindari

Ans. (D)

8. About the 5th century B .C. the Indian satrapy was paying an annual tribute of 320 talents of gold to —

(A) Greece

(B) Persia

(C) Bacteria

(D) China

Ans. (B)

9. Which one of the following was not an item of export from India to the west during the early centuries of the Christian era?

(A) Pearls

(B) Fine textiles

(C) Precious stones

(D) Silver

Ans. (D)

10. Which one among the following has different kind of connotation from the other three?

(A) Sabha

(B) Nagaram

(C) Bhukt

(D) Ur

Ans. (C)

11. Who among the following minister of the Sultan looked after the organisation of the


(A) The Aziz-i-Mumalik

(B) The Wazir

(C) The Naib-i-Manilikat

(D) The Dabir-i-Khas

Ans. (A)

12. Which one of the following was an important seaport in the Kakatiya kingdom?

(A) Dharnikota

(B) Mottuppalli

(C) Masulipattanam

(D) Nelluru

Ans. (D)

13. Who was Shivaji’s Guru?

(A) Ram Das

(B) NamDev

(C) Kuka Ram

(D) Garth Das

Ans. (A)

14. ‘Kumarsambham’ describes the story of the birth of —

(A) Santkumara

(B) Kartikeya

(C) Pradyumna

(D) Abhimanyu

Ans. (B)

15. Which one of the following was a major item of import in India during the post-Gupta period?

(A) Horses

(B) Leather goods

(C) Medicinal herbs

(D) Silk

Ans. (A)

16. Month scale of Mansabdar was introduced by—

(A) Akbar

(B) Jahangir

(C) Shah Jahan

(D) Aurangzeb

Ans. (C)

17. Arrange the following in chronologically order—

1. Baji Rao

2. Balaji Rao

3. Balaji Viswanath

4. Madhav Rao

(A) 4,3,1,2

(B) 1,2,3,4

(C) 3,1,2,4

(D) 2,4,1,3

Ans. (C)

18. Which of the following were among items imported from the Roman world?

1. Silk

2. Female slaves

3. Wine

4. Coral

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below —

(A) 1, 2, 3

(B) 2, 3, 4

(C) 1, 3, 4

(D) 1, 2, 4

Ans. (B)

19. Who was famous for music during Mughal period?

(A) Baz Bahadur

(B) Faizi

(C) Abul Fazal

(D) Rahim Khan-i-Khana

Ans. (C)

20. The term ‘dermatrika’ refers to —

(A) The divine mothers

(B) One’s homeland

(C) Lady with divine qualities

(D) Country with rain fall

Ans. (D)

21. Which was the earliest French settlement in India?

(A) Chandranagar

(B) Hoogly

(C) Pondicherry

(D) Masulipattanam

Ans. (D)

22. A term Imadad-i-mash stands for in the Mughal order—

(A) Poll Tax

(B) Pension to army officers

(C) Cultivation tax

(D) Revenue free land assigned to learned and the needy

Ans. (D)

23. Which of the following were terms in early India for denoting measurement of land?

1. Pala

2. Nala

3. Kulyavapa

4. Nivartana

Select the correct answer from the codes given below —

(A) 1, 2, 3

(B) 1, 2, 4

(C) 1, 3, 4

(D) 2, 3, 4

Ans. (D)

24. I can recognise each painter from the style of the picture who claimed to have this ability?

(A) Akbar

(B) Jahangir

(C) Humayun

(D) Shah Jahan

Ans. (B)

25. Which one of the following inscriptions provides the earliest epigraphical evidence regarding sati?

(A) Mathura inscription of Huvishka

(B) Allahabad pillar inscription of Samudrgupta

(C) Junagarh inscription of Skandgupta

(D) Eran pillar inscription of Bhanugupta

Ans. (D)
