History Model Test Paper online Test

History Model Test Paper online Test

History Solved Question Paper

1. The Sikh Guru who was put to death by the order of Aurangzeb was —

(A) Har Rai

(B) Har Kishan

(C) Teg Bahadur

(D) Govind Singh

Ans. (C)

2. The British established their factories in the interior of the India in the beginning of the 17th century. Which among the following places, was not included in their early establishment?

(A) Hooghly

(B) Ahmedabad

(C) Burhanpur

(D) None of these

Ans. (A)

3. Rana Kumbha constructed the Vijaya Stambha at Chittaur in commemoration of his victory against—

(A) Malwa

(B) Gujarat

(C) The forces of Delhi

(D) Combined forces Malwa and Gujarat

Ans. (A)

4. Bairam Khan worked as regent of emperor Akbar between the period?

(A) 1555—1556A.D.

(B) 1556—58A.D.

(C) 1555—1558A.D.

(D) 1556—1560A.D.

Ans. (D)

5. Why did the Marathas lose the friendship of other Indian Power?

(A) They levied Chauth and Sardeshmukhi on them

(B) They decided them

(C) The attacked everybody

(D) None of these

Ans. (B)

6. Guru Govind Singh was stabbed to death by—

(A) An Afghan

(B) A Turq

(C) A Persian

(D) A Hindu

Ans. (A)

7. Which one among unpaid labour?

(A) Bali

(C) Sulka

(C) Udranga

(D) Visti

Ans. (D)

8. Arrange the following in chronologically order—

1. Battle of Dharmat

2. Battle of Samugarh

3. Battle of Deorai

4. Battle of Panipat

(A) 2,3,4,1

(B) 1,2,3,4

(C) 4,3,1,2

(D) 1,3,4,2

Ans. (A)

9. Who was the first to introduce system of land measurement Ala-ud-din Khilji ?

(A) Akbar

(B) Sher Shah

(C) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq

Ans. (B)

10. In ancient Indian social structure the term ‘anirvasita’ related to —

(A) Brahmanas and Kshatriyas

(B) Vaisyas and Sudras

(C) Sudras only

(D) People outside the varna classification

Ans. (C)

11. Who was the highest judicial officer in the state after Sultan?

(A) Quzi-ul-Quzat

(B) Dabir-i-Khas

(C) Sadr-us-Sudur

(D) Diwan-i-Risalat

Ans. (A)

12. Who said Ram and Rahim are the two different name of the same God?

(A) Kabir

(B) Akbar

(C) Nanak

(D) Ramdas

Ans. (A)

13. ‘Bacteria’ which was a key region in the network of international trade in early times was located in the area now known as —

(A) Punjab

(B) Baluchistan

(C) Iran

(D) Afghanistan

Ans. (D)

14. Portrait painting was predominant during the reign of—

(A) Akbar

(B) Jahangir

(C) Shah Jahan

(D) Humayun

Ans. (B)

15. Which one of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Uraiyur — Spices

(B) Korvai — Pearl

(C) Vanji — Silk

(D) Kanchi — Ivory

Ans. (B)

16. Which of the following were denoted by the term ‘Kutumbin’ occurring in epigraphical sources?

1. Landowners

2. Artisans

3. Kinsmen of rural officials

4. Category of persons sometimes transferred along with land

Select the correct answer from the codes given below —

(A) 1, 3

(B) 1, 2, 3

(C) 1, 4

(D) 2, 3, 4

Ans. (C)

17. In ancient and early medieval India the uncultivated and untaxed land was called —

(A) Sita

(B) Kharvataka

(C) Khilakshetra

(D) Sitadhyaksha

Ans. (C)

18. Sher Shah’s mausoleum is at—

(A) Delhi

(B) Sahasaram

(C) Kalinjar

(D) Chanderi

Ans. (B)

19. Europeans were first interested in—

(A) Sil

(B) Indigo

(C Spices

(D) Leather Goods

Ans. (C)

20. “Some people don’t like painting, such people I don’t like. For me, it seems painting is way of seeing God.” Whose words are these?

(A) Akbar

(B) Jahangir

(C) Humayun

(D) Shah Jahan

Ans. (D)

21. The term Brahmadeyas occurs for the first time in —

(A) Early Vedic texts

(B) Early Buddhist texts

(C) Pre-Gupta inscriptions

(D) Post-Gupta inscriptions

Ans. (C)

22. The Mongol leader who threatened the safety of the Turkish rule in India during the rule of Iltutmish was—

(A) Changez Khan

(B) Halaku

(C) Jalaluddin Mangbarni

(D) Tajuddin Yildiz

Ans. (A)

23. The head of a guild in ancient and early medival India was called —

(A) Adhipati

(B) Gahapati

(C) Jetthaka

(D) Adhikari

Ans. (C)

24. The one important general of Bijapur killed by Shivaji was —

(A) Afzal Khan

(B) Mir Zumla

(C) Shayista Khan

(D) None of these

Ans. (A)

25. Which one of the following were included in the antyaja category of people mentioned in the Dharmasastras?

(A) Yayanas

(B) Shabaras

(C) Sudras

(D) Chandals

Ans. (D)
