JKSSB Sub Inspector Expected Cut Off Marks, Merit List and Exam date for Physical Test
JKSSB Sub Inspector Expected Cut Off Marks, Merit List and Exam date for Physical Test: The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board conducted the Sub Inspector Recruitment Written Test on 27th March 2022 and lakhs of candidates appeared in it. There were multiple vacancies of SI in JK Police which are being filled through this.
Expected JK Police SI Cut Off Marks 2022
General 99.841147 Marks
RBA 92.256399 Marks
SC 83.98309 Marks
ST 73.315716 Marks
OBC 88.2361399 Marks
EWS 75.60842 Marks
PSP 88.421651 Marks
Jammu Kashmir Police SI Merit List 2022
Firstly, Jammu Kashmir Police SI Merit List is released for reference of selected candidates.
Only those aspirants who score marks above JKP SI Cut off are eligible to get name on the Merit List.
Merit List is released once the JKP SI Result 2022 is out and cut off marks category wise is also mentioned on it.
You have to visit jkssb.nic.in to view your Name in the Merit List.
Roll Number Wise and Name Wise ranking of selected candidates is notified through JKSSB SI Merit List 2022.