JKPSC CCE Admit Card 2022 Online Download @jkpsc.nic.in Exam Date

JKPSC CCE Admit Card 2022 Download @jkpsc.nic.in Exam Date
JKPSC CCE Admit Card 2022 Download check online. Get JK Combined Civil Services 220 posts Hall Ticket Roll No Slip along with Exam Date. Hello Friends.! Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission has released the official notification through JKPSC CCE Admit Card Download 2022. Due to this aspirants who are interested in the given vacancies need to know about the eligibility conditions under the recruitment notification. So that they can able to fill out the application form for the available post recruitment process. After that Admit Card will be available soon. Because the first process to take part in the recruitment has to submit the application form as per the given notification.

JKPSC CCE Admit Card 2022

The latest notification announced for the JKPSC CCE Posts Recruitment 2022 has available through online mode. Because the board has invited the application form through this. In addition, the application form has been made available by the concerned department through the official notification. After that aspirants need to focus on the details of the start date and last date for registration. Because for registration aspirants need to follow the guideline given by the department.

However, the available post is from Jammu and Kashmir state so aspirants need to know where they can able to do the registration process. Although the available vacancies are not that many, the total number of posts given in the JKPSC CCE is 220 seats. JK CCE Admit Card Download link Because the number of seats is not that much so the competition between the aspirants has going to be higher.

JKPSC CCE Recruitment 2022

Due to this applicants need to do the application process before the last date of registration given to them in the recruitment. Moreover soon the board of recruitment going to initiate the process of selection for those aspirants who are eligible as per the application form submitted in the online link for registration.

The start date of the application has from the 25th of April 2022. After that aspirants can able to fill out the application. After that get exam details, But for that, they need to read all the details given in the JKPSC CCE Admit Card 2022. Then the second detail which has important while doing the registration has the last date. So aspirants do the application submitted before the last date which is 15th May 2022 before. But now the last date has changed by the department.

JKPSC CCE Roll Number 2022

Due to this candidate needs to do the registration process before the 26th of May 2022. If you missed the time of the last date then the registration line has going to be closed. After that, you need to wait for the next recruitment notification announced by the board.

JKPSC Prelims Admit Card 2022

Those candidates who are willing to do the application process need to know about the application fees. Because in the registration there has application fee which has decided by the board of selection. So for general category aspirants, there have Rs 1000 Application fees. But for aspirants who belong to reserved categories need to pay half of the application fee. Due to this, they need to pay 500 Rs under the registration through the online medium. Check JKPSC CCE 220 Admit Card 2022. All details related to exam will be mentioned in the notification available on the official

After that, the board of recruitment going to conduct various examinations such as a preliminary exam, main exam, etc to find out suitable aspirants for the given vacancies. JKPSC CCE Hall Ticket 2022 because there has also a process given for the selection prelims exam, mains examination, and interview. At the first, aspirants need to apply for the given vacancies which have been released by the Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission. Because this examination has important due to this large number of application forms expected by the department through the aspirants who are interested in making their career through the Combined Competitive Examination

JKPSC CCE Hall Ticket 2022

We are also going to share the details about the JKPSC CCE Notification. After that, it has become easier for the aspirants to understand the criteria required in the application process. Due to this candidate needs to do the process step by step. In addition, there has a certain age limit given in the recruitment notification. Because for all the categories aspirants there has to chance to grab this kind of opportunities. So aspirants from the reserved categories such as scheduled caste (SC), scheduled tribe (ST), Other backward class (OBC), etc. Also read the details thoroughly, because if you enter any wrong information in the application then you might not able to join the recruitment process.

Important factors

Firstly, applicants have to check the educational criteria given in the recruitment notification.

Due to this applicant have to read about the education required as per the available post
Secondly, Application fees. So aspirants have to fill the application fee through the online medium. In addition, those aspirants who are from unreserved categories need to pay 1000 Rs as registration charges.

But those who are from reserved categories need to pay 500 Rs for registration. However, those candidates who are from PHC need not pay any charges.

Thirdly, age criteria in the application have also important. Due to this the age limit has been set as on 1st Jan 2022. Candidates from unreserved categories should be of age not more than 32 years.

After that, those who are from reserved categories need to check the relaxation criteria which has available in the recruitment notification by the JKPSC board.

JKPSC Civil Services Admit Card 2022

Visit the Official Website of the JKPSC board
Homepage of the Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission opened before you
So here you need to go through the latest notification section or in the recruitment section. 

Then, select the link of CCE Admit Card.

Once now notification has appeared in front of you and click on the admit card link. 

Login with your valid credentials and click on log in button. 

Click the submit button in end. Your admit card displayed on the screen. 

Download or take printout of the same.