- How to Crack Entrance Exam in first attempt?
- How to crack entrance exam without coaching?
- How to prepare for Entrance Exam?
- Tips and tricks for entrance exam, etc.
Some Students don't have sources available to prepare for entrance exams for them we are here, we provide free study material for them and all available resources to help them in preparing. If you don't have sources for preparation then don't worry just REGISTER yourself here for free and you will get everything about your studies for free.
Some Students Even don't know how to prepare for entrance exam and what should we study. So today I will give you some tips and tricks for Cracking Entrance Exam Easily so lets get started..
So first of all I will give you some important Tips and Tricks after that I will give you Link for the Previous papers of Entrance Question Papers and if you want to get study material please register yourself here and you will be added to the group where you can get free study materials everyday.
1. Planning:
Planning is the first and Foremost step that should be taken first, without planning we can do nothing. Every work or every goal needs a plan so that it can be accomplished. You should make a plan for your studies (like making time table, setting up alarm, time management, etc.). You can make a time table for your studies that what time is good for me to study and in which time i am getting drowsy of studies. Upgrade your plan and also schedule you plan in Calendar or mobile phone. You have to make a discipline for your Entrance Exam so Planning is the need.
2.Learning Shortcuts
Learning shortcuts is the second important step that should be taken. You should make stress on Learning Shorts. Shortcuts are very powerful thing. For Example in Economics we have theoretical and conceptual/practical part in which we have formulas. Try remembering and understanding these formulas this will help you a lot in entrance exams because entrance exams are based on conceptual part. Try to understand the concept. As we all know that concept is power. If you understand the concept you don't have to remember all the stuff about that particular topic.
3. Know your Strength
This is the third important step it doesn't means that you should know your muscular power but it is related to your brain power. In which subject you are good and you should read that subject more strongly, make that subject more strong and other subjects in which you think I'm weak balance them. Don't take strong for granted, instead make them more strong and you will get good score from that strong subject.
4. Study Breaks
Study Breaks is the third important step that should be taken during exams. Your health is more important you should not studying for long hours because when we study for longer duration our brain exhausts and its memory power or its focus of learning gets affected. You should take short breaks during study/learning so that you can feel refresh and can start learning again. It is Scientifically proven that our brain can concentrate regularly for 20 minutes after that it will exhaust and will feel drowsy. You can take a small nap because sleep helps us to recover from weakness or boring of mind.
5. Eat Healthy food
During Exam times you should eat healthy and remain healthy as we all know that "A SOUND MIND DWELLS IN SOUND BODY". Eat Healthy foods and it will help you in concentrating for longer time.
6. Practice
Practice is the 6th and most important step that should be taken into consideration. What you have read should be practiced on a ruff. Practice makes a man perfect, do practice of what you have learnt. You will remember well with practice, Whatever you study, you must practice it because it helps to concentrate more on a particular Whatever you study, you must practice it because it enables us to concentrate more and correct our mistakes. So practice is the most important step.
These were some tips and tricks related to Entrance exam. Now you should download the Previous Year Entrance Question papers Below. Remember that is is for Arts Students if you are looking for anything else you should register yourself here and we will upload for other subjects too...
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