Top 10 Courses Do After Intermediate 12th Classes

  Engineering is the second most chosen course after medicine in Pakistan. It is one of those courses that even Pakistani parents want their children to choose as well. It is one of the most sought career options in Pakistan that produce Lucrative career options for young blood. 
When you have cleared you're intermediate and are looking for a perfect engineering course for your bachelor it is important to know the Best Engineering Courses. Along with a good engineering course you also need to choose a good university to do it from. Mostly the university you choose depends upon the marks that you got in your intermediate.

Best Engineering Courses in Pakistan:

Now, we all know that the students have been promoted in their intermediate exams. So it is time to choose the best engineering courses for yourself. Keep in mind that try to choose the engineering course on the basis of your interest.
For that purpose, we have compiled a list of best engineering courses that you can choose after intermediate. 

1. Computer Science and Engineering:

As the IT industry is thriving all over the world, there is no question that this would be the number one pick for most of the students. The demand for computer and software experts is touching the rooftop nowadays. This is just because the companies want themselves to maintain a high reputation in the digital world.
Usually, in this engineering program, the students have to familiarize themselves with a programming language, software knowledge, coding, program designing, and project management as well. There are many national and international firms that are always on a hunt for a good Computer Engineer. This is a field in which a single idea can make a company worth a million dollars. So, keeping in mind the future career option is one of the highly recommended engineering courses to choose after intermediate. Get Jobs of Computer Engineer in Lahore.

2. Electronics Engineering:

This is another fast-growing engineering field in the market. We all know that most of the things that we use on a daily basis run on electricity. This includes all of your home appliances like TV, Fridge, and Iron. There is someone who has designed the electric circuit of these great appliances. Get Jobs for Electronic Engineering.
Most of these things are not even possible to exist in the field of electric engineering and are not discovered. The demand for a good electrical engineer is always over the roof. All companies who work with any sort of machine or electric circuit require these engineers to sort out faults if they occur any. It is a great engineering course to choose if you have an interest in electric circuits and machines.

3. Communication Engineering:

As the world has now become a global village, inventors are trying to invent new ways of communication. All the innovations that you see nowadays in the field of telephones or other communication ways are due to the work of Communication Engineers. Choosing communication engineering after completing your intermediate is a wise choice career-wise.
Telecommunication, Mobile industry, and electric industry are thriving on the shoulders of these communication engineers’ shoulders every year. So, this means that there are plenty of chances to make a successful career in this field now and even in the future. 

4. Mechanical Engineering:

This is another great field of engineering to choose from in the engineering field. This is known as one of the oldest branches of engineering that still exist in the modern era as well. The reason behind it is the importance of this field and its mechanics that are still being implemented on vast premises in the field.
All those people who are interested in the field of automobile, product manufacturing, and product designing should pursue it.  Mechanical engineering jobs are available on a wide range in the market. These career options also include one of the highest-paid jobs in the market as well.  If you are talented and think you can do well in Mechanical Engineering then this should be your choice after intermediate.

5. Structural Engineering:

It is a specific branch of Civil engineering. You learn to design different structures in this degree like houses, offices, and skyscrapers. To understand structural engineering you will learn different kinds of natural effects on their stability like wind, water, corrosion, and erosion. This is another great Engineering degree that you should consider after intermediate. 

6. Civil Engineering:

This field of engineering not only deals with the construction of the infrastructure but also the designing and planning of the maintenance of that structure as well. Civil Engineering is a field that lets people live in a modern age with new and safe infrastructure around them. Pakistan is on the verge of still becoming a developed country. So, lots of scope remains for the career of civil engineers in this country.

7. Chemical Engineering:

Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the reaction and application of chemical properties in this world. There are lots of undetected chemical reactions happening in the world that are yet to be discovered. A Chemical Engineer uncovers all these chemical mysteries that are happening in this world.

8.  Biochemical Engineering:

It is a branch of engineering in which we develop different illness cures by combining different chemicals. It involves the study of the human body and biological organisms that exist in the human body. This is a new field of engineering and thriving day by day in the world.

9. Biomedical Engineering:

This branch of engineering involves the use of chemical engineering to solve medical issues. It helps us understand the biological organism and molecules of living things. This engineering field is totally linked to the medical field.

10. Aerospace Engineering:

Last but not least, this is one of the most difficult and advanced courses in engineering that you can choose. This field of engineering involves the designs of airplanes, missiles, aircraft, and rockets. Right now the demand for good and talented aerospace engineers is touching rooftops. This is a field that most of the students don’t even consider to choose so it has more chances to get a proper Aeronautical Engineering Jobs for you now.
 top enginering courses in pakistan

Scope of Engineering in Pakistan

With the globalization and progression of the economy, many professional choices are accessible for engineers. There is an extraordinary interest in Engineering in Pakistan and Abroad. There are various options to choose from when it comes to Engineering Courses. Every course requires a different kind of skill set and it is very important to choose the right course. There are various new subjects that emerge in this field of education after the advancement of technology.