How to Make a Smartphones Conference Call - conference call settings in android

The number of calls you can merge at the same time on an Android phone depends on your phone's specific model, as well as your telecom carrier and plan. On lower-end models and networks, you can only merge two calls at once. On newer models and networks, you can merge up to five calls at once.
How to Make a Conference Call on an Android Phone
  1. Phone the first person.
  2. After the call connects and you complete a few pleasantries, touch the Add Call icon. The Add Call icon is shown. ...
  3. Dial the second person. ...
  4. Touch the Merge or Merge Calls icon. ...
  5. Touch the End Call icon to end the conference call.
How to make a conference call on AndroidYou can also make a conference call direct from an Android device by calling the first person then tapping the Add Call icon once the call is connected. Then dial the second person and hit the merge or merge calls icon. Repeat this for each participant.