Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University Of Agriculture Multan Jobs 2019 For Professor, Assistant, and others:
Many jobs have been announced in the Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University Of Agriculture Multan Jobs 2019. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and other job has been announced in the Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University Of Agriculture Multan. Many good jobs have been announced at the Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University Of Agriculture Multan. I will give you all the information about these jobs. Mohammad Nawaz Sharif has been the Prime Minister for three times Pakistan. His university has been created. There is a very good education at a university in the field of Agriculture. Various types of jobs have been announced at the Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University Of Agriculture Multan, you can apply for any job properly. It is very important for you to have experience in applying for a professor's job.
Available Posts:
- Professor (BSP-21)
- Associate Professor (BSP-20)
- Assistant Professor (BSP-20)
- Manager (BSP-20)
- Controller Examination (BSP-18)
- Deputy Registrar (BSP-17)
- Lab Engineer (BSP-17)
- Farm Manager (BSP-17)
- Assistant Registrar (BSP-17)
- Research Officer ( BSP-17)
- Assistant Treasure (BSP-17)
Qualification :
Your education should be a Ph.D., M.phil, LLB, Bachelor or master's degree with the 2nd division from any recognized university to apply for this job.
Nature of Posts:
You can do this job on a Regular base.
How to Apply?
The candidates applying for the posts teaching posts should submit 04 and non-teaching post submit 02 complete set of application on the relevant documents form available on the website..