ow (if you are a student) that CSS is stand for Central Superior Services of Pakistan Test, which is in short famous and become CSS test in whole Pakistan, in 1973 on article 240 its referred and this test held for hiring fresh candidates to offer civil services in all over the Pakistan.
Female and males can apply for this test between the ages of 21 to 28 and between it, as they have to be educated and eligible for the CSS exams.

FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission of Pakistan) holds the rights to get applications of candidates for giving CSS exams in November or December of every year, after that they conducts the exams and issues the results of CSS test in whole Pakistan.
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Female and males can apply for this test between the ages of 21 to 28 and between it, as they have to be educated and eligible for the CSS exams.

FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission of Pakistan) holds the rights to get applications of candidates for giving CSS exams in November or December of every year, after that they conducts the exams and issues the results of CSS test in whole Pakistan.