Logical Maths MCQs Test Quiz On Ages

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Quantitative Reasoning MCQs Quiz For Entry Test

1. Five years ago, the total of the ages of a father and his son was 40 years. The ratio of their present ages is ?

30 Years

20 Years

None of these (Answer)

25 Years


2. The ratio of the ages of Shahzad and Waseem is 2 : 5. After 8 years, their ages will be in the ratio of 1 : 2. The difference in their present ages (in years) is ?



24 (Answer)



3. Waleed's age is 1/6th of his father's age Waleed s father's age will be twice of Arshid's age after 10 years. IF Arshid's eighth birthday was celebrated two years before, then what is Waleed's present age ?

6 Years

None of these (Answer)

30 Years

24 Years


4. Ten years ago A was half of B in age. If the ratio of their present ages is 3 : 4, what will be the total of their present ages ?

20 Years

30 Years

8 Years

35 Years (Answer)


5. In 10 years A, will be twice as old B was B 10 years ago. If A is now 9 years older than B ,B is presently how many Years old ?

19 Years

39 Years (Answer)

29 Years

49 Years


6. The sum of the ages of A, B and C is 96 Years: To find out B's age, which of the following information given in the statements P and Q is/are sufficient ? P: A is 6 years older than C, Q : The total of B and C's a is 56 years ?

Both P and Q (Answer)

None of these




7. A father is twice as old as his son, 20 years ago, the age of the father was 12 times the age of the son. The present age of the father (in years) is ?


44 (Answer)




8. One year ago. Raheela was four times as old as her daughter Nadia six years hence. Raheela's age will exceed her daughter's age by 9 years. The ratio of the present ages of Raheela and her daughter is ?

13 : 4 (Answer)

9 : 2

11 : 3

12 : 5


9. Average age of A and B is 24 years and average age of B , C and D is 22 cars. The sum of the ages of A, B , C and D is ?

114 years

Data inadequate

96 years (Answer)

90 years


10. Salma got married 6 years ago. Today her age 1.25 times her age at the time of marriage her son's age is 1/10 times her age her son;s age is ?

4 Years

5 Years

3 Years (Answer)

2 Years


11. The ages of two persons differ by 20 years. If 5 years ago, the elder one be 5 times as old as the younger one, their present ages (in years) are respectively ?

29 , 9

50, 30

30 , 10 (Answer)

25 , 5


12. Ten years ago. Ashraf's mother was four times older than her daughter. After ten years, the mother will bw twice older than daughter. The present age of Ashraf is ?

10 Years

4 Years (Answer)

5 Years

30 Years


13. Samy is twice as old Rubina was 2 years ago. If the difference of their ages, be 2 years bow old is Samy today ?

12 years

10 years

8 years (Answer)

6 years


14. Ratio of Ali's age to Sagar's age is 4 : 3. All will be 26 years old after 6 years, How old is Sagar now ?

21 years

12 years

19 years

15 years (Answer)


15. The sum of the ages of a father and son is 45 years. Five years ago, the product of their ages was four times the father's age at that time. The present age of father and son, respectively are ?

None of these

25 Years , 10 Years

36 Years , 9 Years (Answer)

39 Years , 6 Years


16. Two Years ago a man was 6 times as old as his son. After 18 years , he will be twice as old as his son. Their present ages (in years) are ?


32.7 (Answer)

None of these



17. Javid is as much younger to Amir as he is older to Tariq, if the sum of the ages of Amir and Tariq is 48 years, what is the age of Javid ?

Can not be determined

30 Years

24 Years (Answer)

20 Years


18. Suhail was thrice as old as Shahzad 6 years back. Suhail will be time as old as Shahzad 6 years hence. How old is Shahzad today ?

12 Years (Answer)

15 Years

18 Years

24 Years


19. Shahzad was twice as old as Amir 10 years back. How old is Amir if Shazad will be 40 years old 10 years hence ?

None of these

30 Years

10 Years

20 Years (Answer)


20. The total of the ages of A , B and C at present is 90 Years. Ten years ago, the ratio of their ages was 1 : 2 : 3. What is the age of B at present ?

40 Years

20 Years

30 Years (Answer)

18 Years

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