Irrigation Department Punjab Jobs October 2017

Hello Friends, Today we share Irrigation Department Punjab Jobs October 2017.
Irrigation Department Punjab Jobs 2017 Current Vacancies Advertisement. Irrigation Department/ an Equal Opportunity organization/ invites Applications from Suitable candidates Domiciled in Punjab is seeking to hire the well Disciplined/ calibre and adroit Applicants for a Project named "New Khanki Barrage Project" for Project Management Office for Punjab Barrages/ Rehabilitation and Modernization project. The post which needs to be filled include [Office Assistant] is the vacancy which Requires to Be filled by the Applicants with overall Qualification of 2nd Class Bachelor's Degree from HEC Recognized university. The above positions are on contract basis/ for a Period of 30-06-2018 or till the end of projects. Age limit should be 18-25 years. Applicants will be given attractive Remuneration package of Rs.38,064 [in case of contract employees] BPS-14 [or appointment of Govt employees pay package will be as per Finance Department rules].


  • Office Assistant


  • Punjab

Last Date: 23 October 2017

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