DBMS MCQ Questions With Answers Set 1

Database Management System MCQs - DBMS MCQ Quiz

Database mcqs, database management system mcqs, DBMS mcq questions set 1. Database is an organized collection of related data that is stored in an efficient and compact manner. The word organized means that data is stored in such a way that the user can use this data easily. The word related means a database is normally created to store the data about a particular topic.

For example a database is created tor students, it will contain data about the students such as roll no, name, address etc. Similarly, if the database is about the employees of an organization, it will contain the data of employees such as employee ID, grade and salary etc. All data in database is arranged in tables.

The word efficient means that the user can search the required data quickly. The word compact means that the stored data occupies as little space as possible in computer.

This set of DBMS MCQs series includes the mcqs related to the topics such as introduction to database, data and information, file processing system, components of database environment, database approach, database management systems, basics of database and history of database system. This DBMS mcqs series may help to those individual who are preparing their NTS educators, PPSC lecturers, Database administrator, database manager or database designer jobs test.

Database Management System – DBMS MCQs Set 1

1. A collection of raw facts and figure is called?
A). Data
B). Information
C). Processing
D). None
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Correct: A

2. The manipulated and processed data is called?
A). Object
B). Information
C). Data
D). None
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Correct: B

3. Manipulation of data to achieve the required objectives and result is called?
A). Data processing
B). Operation
C). Both a and b
D). None
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Correct: C

4. A person's account, car, and house are considered?
A). Object
B). Table
C). Data processing
D). None
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Correct: A

5. A collection of related fields is called______?
A). File
B). Record
C). Database
D). None
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Correct: B

6. All records in a file have the same?
A). Contents
B). Structure
C). Both a and b
D). None
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Correct: B

7. A collection of data that consists of name, address and email of a person is called?
A). Byte
B). Record
C). Character
D). Field
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Correct: B

8. A record in a database is the information referring to a____?
A). Person
B). Product
C). Event
D). All
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Correct: D

9. Each item of information within a record is called____?
A). File
B). Field
C). Both a and b
D). Byte
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Correct: B

10. A logical grouping of characters is a?
A). Field
B). Record
C). File
D). All
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Correct: A

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11. A field is to a record as:
A). Data are to files
B). A column is to a row
C). Files are to tables
D). Attributes are to columns
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Correct: B

12. A database containing all students in a class would store basic data of students in:
A). Record
B). Field
C). Cell
D). File
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Correct: D

13. A database containing all students in a class would store Roll No of a student in:
A). Record
B). Field
C). Cell
D). File
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Correct: B

14. A database containing all students in a class would store the information of individual students in:
A). Record
B). Field
C). Cell
D). File
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Correct: A

15. Which of the following is also known as data set?
A). Record
B). Field
C). File
D). All
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Correct: C

16. A set of related files created and managed by a (DBMS) is called?
A). Field
B). Record
C). Database
D). None
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Correct: C

17. Which of the following is an example of a database?
A). Phone book
B). Library catalog
C). Student records
D). All
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Correct: D

18. SQL is a_____?
A). Unstructured language
B). Structured Language
C). Object oriented language
D). Software
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Correct: B

19. SQL stands for:
A). Sort-Query-List
B). Self-Quantiflying-Language
C). Seek-Qualify-Label
D). None
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Correct: D

20. SQL can be used to:
A). Create database structures only
B). Query database data only
C). Modify database data only
D). All
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Correct: D

21. In general a file is basically a collection of all related______?
A). Fields
B). Records
C). Database
D). Domain
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Correct: B

22. The collection of related information defined by its creator is called _____?
A). File
B). Database
C). Record
D). Field
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Correct: C

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