Notification to Abolish District Teacher Educators DTEs Posts of DTSC and CTSC Punjab Schools
In exercise of powers conferred under serial 2(i) of 2nd schedule of the Punjab delegation of finance powers rules 2016, the competent authority in pursuance of the approval by the standing committee of the cabinet on finance and development and advice of the finance department received vide its letter No. So(schools)8-2/2016-17 dated 17-04-2017 has been pleased to abolish the folowing posts of DTSCs and CTSCs on account of discontinuation of CPD Programme. Sr. No. | Name of Posts | No. of Posts |
1 | Teacher Educator (BS-17) | 140 |
2 | District Teacher Educator (BS-16) | 840 |
3 | District Teacher Educator (BS-14) | 3360 |
4 | Data Entry operator (BS-12) | 35 |
5 | Junior Clerk (BS-11) | 35 |
6 | Driver (BS-4) | 70 |
7 | Naib Qasid (BS-1) | 35 |
Total | 4515 |
Finance Department will be approached letter for creation of new posts through SNE for addressing the shortage of secondary school educators SSEs in science subjects, Assistant education officers AEOs and Education officers EOs for monitoring & supervisions of elementary schools in lieu of discontinuation of CPD Programme.
Notification to Abolish District Teacher Educators DTEs Posts of DTSC and CTSC Punjab Schools