Fixation of Pay for Gazetted Employees as per Punjab Establishment Code Pay Revision Rules 1973
Few Pay Revision rules regarding fixation of pay on National pay scales are discussed.
Fixation of pay in the National pay scales: (1) subject to the provisions of sub rules (5) and (6) of this rule, the pay of existing government servants, who opt for the national pay scales shall be fixed in the said scales with effect from the first day of March 1972 or any subsequent date with effect from which they opt for the same under rule (4). Provided that no arrears will be payable in respect of the period prior to 1st August 1973.(2) In the case of National Pay scales No. 16 to 18 the pay shall be fixed at the stage equal to and, if there be no such stage, at the stage next above, the aggregate of the following
(a) the existing pay and (b) an amount of increase to be determined in accordance with the following formulae.
National pay scales in which pay is to be fixed | Increase over existing pay |
16 | 10 percent subject to a minimum of Rs.30 and maximum of Rs.60. |
17 and 18 | Rs. 60 |
(3) Subject to the provisions of rule II
(a) In the case of National pay scale No. 19 to 20. The pay shall be fixed at the stage next above the existing pay, and
(b) In the case of National pay scale No. 21 to 22 the pay shall be fixed at the stage equal to the basic pay and, if there be on such stage, at the next lower stage plus personal pay equal to the difference between the existing pay and that stage.
(4) Fixation of pay in the manner prescribed in sub–rule 2 and 3 of this rule shall be subject to the condition that the maximum of the relevant national pay scale is not exceeded. (5) The benefit of percentage increase mentioned in sub –rule 2 will not be admissible to the Government servants who were eligible; subject to option; to the benefit of fixation of pay under the Punjab (non – gazetted) civil services pay revision rules ; 1972 . in their case, Pay in the relevant national pay scale shall be fixed at the stage equal to their existing pay and if there is no such stage , at the next lower stage plus personal pay equal to the difference .
(6) The government servants, who were appointed to gazetted posts by initial recruitment on or after the 1st march 1972, shall not be allowed the benefit of fixation of pay under Sub–rules 2 or 3. They shall be deemed to have been appointed at the minimum of the relevant national pay scale. The personal pay mentioned in sub –rule 3 and 5 shall be reduced by the amount by which the pay of the government servant is subsequently increased, and shall cease to be payable as soon as the pay is increased by an amount equal to or more then the personal pay .
(8) The pay of every government servant covered by rule 5 shall be fixed both in the scale of his substantive post and the scale of the post held by him in temporary or officiating capacity.Increments in the national pay scales the increments in the national pay scales shall fall due on the 1st day of December, following the completion of at least six month’s service at a stage in the relevant NATIONAL PAY SCALE.
Admissibility of next higher National pay scale after reaching the maximum of a lower scale (1) Subject to the provisions of sub–rule (2) a Government servant who has reached the maximum of National Pay Scale No.16 to 17 shall be brought on to National Pay Scale No. 17 to 18 respectively, with effect from 1st December of the year in which he completes three years of such service at the above mentioned maximum as counts for increments under the rules, subject to the following conditions ..That he has earned in succession from the year of reaching of maximum up to the year of moving over (both years included) Annual Confidential Reports without any adverse entry. If this condition is not fulfilled such Government servant shall wait at the maximum till he has earned in succession the requisite numbers of reports without an adverse entry, and his move over to the next higher scale shall take effect from the 1st of December of the year following the one for which the last such report is earned.
Move Over of Gazetted Employees: (2) A Government Servant who will be adjusted in, or whose basic pay scale is, National Pay Scale No. 16 will be allowed to move over only up to National Pay Scale No. 17 and who will be adjusted in, or whose basic pay scale is, National Pay Scale No. 17 will be allowed to move over only up to National Pay Scale No. 18.Personal Pay in Future Increments: (3) When a Government Servant is allowed to draw pay in the next higher national pay scale under sub-rule (1), his pay in the higher scale shall be fixed at a stage equal to the maximum of the lower national pay scale and if there is no such stage, at the next lower stage with personal pay equal to the difference. The personal pay will be absorbed in future increments.

Fixation of Pay for Gazetted Employees as per Punjab Establishment Code Pay Revision Rules 1973