Latest Government Jobs in Punjab Economic Research Institute Latest NTS Jobs 2017 - Apply Now

Punjab Economic research Institute (PERI) , Government of Punjab , invites applications from qualified and experienced candidates in relevant fields for posts on contract basis for project " Restructuring / Revamping and strengthening of Punjab Economic Research Institute (PERI) " . The appointments on these posts will be made on contract as per Contract Appointment Policy 2004 of the Government of Punjab. The qualified candidates will be required to produce original documents at the time of interview. All government Employees are eligible to apply through proper channel. If you want to apply for two or more posts kindly submit separate application form for each post. Roll No slips will be dispatched to candidates by NTS at least one week before. Candidates must score al least 60% Marks to qualify for Interviews.If large number of candidates will qualify the written tests , authority has rights to decide upon any threshold marks / ratio of candidates to be further shortlisting. The required qualification for below mentioned posts are MS/Mphil in Economics and Degree holders are eligible to apply. Number of vacancies can be increased and decreased and department has right to reject / cancel any application or recruitment process.

Vacant posts :-
* Associate Research fellows
* Assistant Research Fellows
* Account Officer

How to Apply :
* Download Application forms from our website or from NTS website .
* To download application forms / Deposit Slips / Advertisement / Sample papers : Click Here
*  Pay 500 Rs in any HBL , ABL . MCB or UBL bank Branches.
* Kindly send complete application forms with original pay slip , copies of cnic , Photographs to the address mentioned in Application forms via courier services only.
*  Last Date to Apply is 20th January 2017.
*  If you have any questions about any jobs / scholarships , kindly comments .

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Note : These Jobs description of these posts can be seen at PERI website .