Agriculture, Supply & Prices Department Sindh Govt. Jobs 2016 Latest Advertisement
This ad shown on topjobspk page is taken from DAWN newspaper Published on 28 Nov 2016.
Last Date is 15-Dec-2016.
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Agriculture, Supply & Prices Department Sindh Govt. Jobs 2016 Latest AdvertisementApplications are invited from suitable candidates domiciled in Sindh Province for tilling up the following vacant posts in the Directorate of Bureau of Supply & Prices / Office of the Controller, Weights & Measures Wing of Agriculture, Supply & Prices DepartmentVacancies / Positions:-- ---Directorate of Bureau of Supply & Prices
- Statistical Assistant
- Accountant
- Junior Clerk
- Godown Sub Inspector
- Price Sub Inspector
- Driver
- Dispatc Rider
- Naib Qasid
- Chowkidar
- Sanitary Worker
- --Office of the Controller weights & measurers
- Junior Scale Stenographer
- Data Processing Assistant
- Computer Operator
- Junior Clerk
- Statistical Assistant
- Assistant Inspector
- Enumerator
- Dispatc Rider
- Naib Qasid
- Chowkidar
- Sanitary Worker
How To Apply:-The applications along with attested copies of testimonials of academic qualification, CNIC, Domicile, PRC, experience certificate (if required), two passport size photographs should be submitted to the Directorate of Bureau of Supply & Prices / Office of the Controller. Weights & Measures Wing, St-19/1, Block-06, Gulshan-e-lqbal, Karachi.Applicants may also online through Sindh Rozgar Portal at URL www.sindhrozgar.gos.pkLast Date To Apply -- 15 December 2016
Note:- We are information provider not jobs Provider.
Agriculture, Supply & Prices Department Sindh Govt. Jobs 2016 Latest Advertisement
Applications are invited from suitable candidates domiciled in Sindh Province for tilling up the following vacant posts in the Directorate of Bureau of Supply & Prices / Office of the Controller, Weights & Measures Wing of Agriculture, Supply & Prices Department
Vacancies / Positions:-
- ---Directorate of Bureau of Supply & Prices
- Statistical Assistant
- Accountant
- Junior Clerk
- Godown Sub Inspector
- Price Sub Inspector
- Driver
- Dispatc Rider
- Naib Qasid
- Chowkidar
- Sanitary Worker
- --Office of the Controller weights & measurers
- Junior Scale Stenographer
- Data Processing Assistant
- Computer Operator
- Junior Clerk
- Statistical Assistant
- Assistant Inspector
- Enumerator
- Dispatc Rider
- Naib Qasid
- Chowkidar
- Sanitary Worker
How To Apply:-
The applications along with attested copies of testimonials of academic qualification, CNIC, Domicile, PRC, experience certificate (if required), two passport size photographs should be submitted to the Directorate of Bureau of Supply & Prices / Office of the Controller. Weights & Measures Wing, St-19/1, Block-06, Gulshan-e-lqbal, Karachi.
Applicants may also online through Sindh Rozgar Portal at URL
Last Date To Apply -- 15 December 2016
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