function in c++

Image result for c++Moving forward with this C/C++ programming language tutorial today we will learn about function. To do some task many times and avoid writing same program multiple times we can use function. Remind that in if else statementwe have written a program which calculates percent and division and prints it based on total marks and obtained marks. Now if we want to calculate percent and division for 5 students, Then one way is to modify program and run 5 times which is not good way(it can be 100 students). Another way is to copy-paste part of code which calculates division and percent 5 times which is also not good way.
Use of function can solve those problems. We can write a function which gives percent given total marks and obtained marks. Now we will see program to print percentage only. Later we will see program to print division too.
function is define in program given below. Do not run this program, it will not run.
int get_percent(int total marks, int obtained marks) {
percent = obtained_marks*100/total_marks;

int is written 1st word which tells that this function will give us int type of value. function name comes after that which is get_percent here. After that inside ()input variable comes which is called parameter or argument. while writing input variable we have tell what type of value they will hold(int,char etc) and by what name function will refer to them. here both input are int. In function we can give any number of inputs. If function does not require any argument then do not write anything inside (). here we have 2 inputs. After that inside {} program is written to achieve functionality. In given function percent have been calculated using those 2 input parameters. In the end desired value is returned using return. anything written after return statement won't run because at that point function will know what value to return and proceeding further.
Lets see below how we use the above function.
#include <stdio.h>
int get_percent(int total_marks, int obtained_marks) {
percent = obtained_marks*100/total_marks;

main() {
percent = get_percent(500, 360);
printf("Percent is %d\n", percent);
percent = get_percent(500, 340);
printf("Percent is %d\n", percent);
scanf("%d", &percent);

Firstly we have defined function named get_percent, which returns int value and receives 2 parameters of int type as we have seen above in program.
Program starts to execute from main(). In the main int type percent variable have been defined. Then we called function get_percent which is defined above. We have passed 2 parameters 500 and 360 to this function when calling. Note that order of parameters in function call is very important. According to function defined above value of total_marks will be value 500 and obtained_marks will be 360 when executing get_percent function. On the basis of these values get_percent function will return 80.
percent = get_percent(500, 360);
Writing this will assign percent the return value of function call. Then in the main function we are printing value of percent.
main is also a function which does not take any parameter hence we write main(), nothing in the braces, and main returns int, hence we write return 0 at the end of main function. Whenever we run a c/c++ program, it's main function is called. Program finishes when we reach at the end of main. If you write such a program which does not have main function then running that will give error that main method not found.

Lets see and run a program which gives the percent as well well prints it.
#include <stdio.h>
void get_percent(int total_marks, int obtained_marks) {
int percent = obtained_marks*100/total_marks;
(percent >= 60) {
printf("Congrats!! You passed in 1st division.\n");
printf("Your percentage is %d.\n",percent);

else if
(percent >= 45) {
printf("You passed in 2nd division.\n");
printf("Your percentage is %d.\n",percent);

else if
(percent >= 33) {
printf("You just passed in 3rd division.\n");
printf("Your percentage is %d.\n",percent);

printf("Sorry! you failed.\n");
printf("Your percentage is %d.\n",percent);

main() {
get_percent(500, 360);
get_percent(500, 340);

int abc;
scanf("%d", &abc);

In this example get_percent function also prints division. Difference with previous function is that here we are printing inside get_percent function hence no need to print in main function. return type of this function is void that means this function does not need to return anything, hence in main function this function is just called without storing return value to some variable.
1. Write a function print_month which takes int parameter as month number and that function prints name of month. This function should not return anything, just need to print. Call that function with some parameter from main function.
2. Modify above program to take input at runtime using scanf and pass that value to call function defined above.
We will see some more examples on next topic.
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