Ittehad Independence Day Aazadi Collection 2016-17 | 14 August Ready to Wear Shirts

 This 14th August, show your true love for ‪your country by wearing House of Ittehad  Independence Day‬ Collection 2016.
Because nowadays the image of  our country is not looking good around the world just because of some bad people who are spreading terrorism and telling lie that Pakistani's are terrorist and they didn't understand the meaning of Independence. Actually that people are trying to demonstrate Pakistan. Through these House of Ittehad 14th August Ready to Wear Shirts we are show our patriotism for country and love and care for humanity.
So this 69th birthday celebration of Pakistan revel in the patriotic spirit of freedom with House of ittehad Ready-To-Wear Independence Day Collection 2016. This collection inspired by our inherent patriotism and paper print trend which is most contemporary and most demanding prints in single shirts. This 14th August House of Ittehad‬ brings to you an elegant Aazadi Dress collection which will help you go green with pride!