English Test 14


11)              a)         He has told us that he was ready to go there now. 
b)                  He has told us that he is ready to go there now. 
c)                  He has told us that he was ready to go there then.
d)                 He has said to us that he was ready to go there now.

12)              a)         The teacher told us that God helped those who helped themselves. 
b)                  The teacher told to us that God helped those who helped themselves.
c)                  The teacher told us that God helps those who help themselves. 
d)                 The teacher told us that God helps there who helped. 

13)              a)         She told me that she can solve this problem today. 
b)                  She told me that she could solve this problem today.
c)                  She told me that she could solve that problem today.
d)                 She told me that she could solve that problem that day. 

14)              a)         She exclaimed with sorrow to me that she has failed.
b)                  She exclaimed with sorrow that she has failed.
c)                  She exclaimed with sorrow and told me that she had failed. 
d)                 She exclaimed sorrowfully to me that she had been fails.  

a)         She told me that she thanked me for the help I give here. 
b)                  She told me that she thanked me for the help I gave here
c)                  She told me that she thanks me for the help I gave here
d)                 She thanked me for the help I gave her. 

16)              a)         Anwar will ask you if you can help him today. 
b)                  Anwar will ask to you if you can help him today.
c)                  Anwar will ask you if you could help him today. 
d)                 Anwar will ask you if you could help that today.

17)              a)         Your uncle advises us not to tell a lie.
b)                  Your uncle advises us to tell a lie. 
c)                  Your uncle forbids us not to tell a lie. 
d)                 Your uncle asks to us to not tell a lie.  

18)              a)         The mother prays to him that he might live long.
b)                  The mother prays for him that he might live long.
c)                  The mother prays that he should live long. 
d)                 The mother prays for him to live long. 

19)              a)         The police officer ordered to him to stand still and not move. 
b)                  The police officer ordered him to stand still and not to move. 
c)                  The police officer ordered him that he should stand still and not move. 
d)                 The police officer forbade him to stand still and to move. 

20)              a)         They told in that they had seen our home but we had not seen theirs. 
b)                  They told us that they saw our home but we have not seen their. 
c)                  They told us that they will see our home but we did not see theirs. 
d)                 They told to us that they will see our home but we did not see theirs.  

21)              Gazed 
a)                  Looked fixedly                                   b)         looked waywardly       
                c)         looked angrily                                     d)         coughed 
22)              Ploughshare 
a)                  Peasant            b)         sheet of cloth  c)         Clock with a cutting blade      d)         Plough 
23)              Emphatically 
a)                  Sadly               b)         Tearfully          c)         With grief                                d)         Forcefully 
24)              Whizzing
a)                  Humming        b)         Flying              c)         Running                                  d)         Crying
25)              Mangled
a)                  Changed          b)         Mingled           c)         Ruined                                    d)         Spuad 
26)              Redemptive 
a)                  Honest             b)         Undeserved     c)         Annoyed                                 d)         Delivering
27)              Hamlet 
a)                  Town  b)         city                  c)         very small village                    d)         Area 
28)              Exalted 
a)                  Beautiful         b)         True     c)         Heightened                             d)         Exhausted 
29)              Sweltering 
a)                  Oppressively hot         b)         wasted             c)         Deserted                      d)         Destroyed 
30)              Quest 

a)                  Search b)         Question          c)         Effort                                      d)         Cruelty