Questions From Modern India

1. The First Anglo-Sikh War was fought between the Sikh Empire and the British East India Company between:
Ans: 1845 and 1846

2. What was the symbol of Swadeshi Movement?
Ans: Charkha

3. The First Anglo-Burmese War was fought during the period:
Ans: 1824-26

4. The war which took place not became of any local causes in India but because of the War of Austrian Succession in Europe:
Ans: The First Carnatic War

5. The former Viceroy of India who was killed by a bomb planted in his boat by the Provisional IRA at Mullaghmore, County Sligo, Ireland in 1979:
Ans: Lord Mountbatten

6. What is called Magna Carta of India?
Ans: Queeen's Proclamation of 1858

7. What is called Magna Carta of Indian education?
Ans: Wood's Despatch

8. What is not ahimsa according to Gandhiji?
Ans: It is tolerating the wrong

9. The Yandaboo Treaty was signed in:
Ans: 1826

10. What is the name of the fort built by the English in Kolkata?
Ans: Fort William

11. What was called by Gandhiji as his spiritual reference book?
Ans: Bhagavat Gita

12. What was called by Gandhiji as his ‘two lungs'?
Ans: Truth and Non-violence

13. What was called 'post dated cheque' by Gandhiji?
Ans: Crip's Mission

14. What was Gandhiji's grandfather's occupation?
Ans: Dewan in Porbander

15. What was Gandhiji's wife's educational qualification?
Ans: Illiterate

16. What was name of swami Vivekananda when he was young?
Ans: Narendranath

17. What was the age of Gandhiji when he reached India from South Africa in 1915?
Ans: 45

18. What was the age of Gandhiji when he reached South Africa for the first time?
Ans: 24

19. What was the aim of Gandhiji's last fast in 1948?
Ans: Ending violence

20. What was the aim of Theosophical Society?
Ans: Universal brotherhood of humanity

21. What news awaited Gandhiji on his return from England in 1891?
Ans: Mother's death

22. What proposal was made in the 'August Offer’ of 1940?
Ans: Dominion Status

23. What style did Gandhiji adopt in writing the book 'Hind Swaraj'?
Ans: Questions and Answers

24. What was the honour given to Gandhiji by the British in recognition to his contribution during the Boer war?
Ans: Kaizar-i-Hind

25. What was the main political weapon used by the moderate nationalists to exert pressure upon the government against the partition of Bengal?
Ans: Swadeshi and Boycott

26. What was the medium of instruction suggested in Wardha Scheme of education?
Ans: Mother tongue

27. The woman revolutionary of Bengal whose fearless net to assassinate the Governor of Bengal earned the title of Agni-Kanya (Daughter of Fire) from the nationalists but imprisonment from the government:
Ans: Bina Das

28. The woman who faced trial along with Stays Sen?
Ans: Kalpana Joshi

29. The word 'National' was added to the name of Congress during the Nagpur session of:
Ans: 1891

30. Theword 'Swaraj' was first used in the Congress platform in the 1906 session of:
Ans: Kolkata

31. The year of 'Black hole' episode of Calcutta:
Ans: 1756

32. The year of Ahmedabad Mill strike in which Gandhiji observed hunger strike for the first time?
Ans: 1918

33. What was the name of Gandhiji's sister?
Ans: Raliat

34. What was the name of Gandhi's domestic help?
Ans: Rambha dai

35. What was the name of the newspaper published by the Indian Muslim League?
Ans: Star of India

36. What was the name of the ship in which Gandhiji sailed from Natal to Calcutta in 1896?
Ans: Pogola

37. What was the official name of the Rowlatt Act?
Ans: Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes Act (1919)

38. Whatwas the old name Porbander, the birth place of Gandhiji?
Ans: Sudamapuri

39.What was the post held by Gandhiji in Natal Indian Congress?
Ans: Honorary secretary

40. What was the profession of Gandhiji's father?
Ans: Dewan

41. What was the profession of Mahathma Gandhi?
Ans: Lawyer

42. The year in which Congress launched the individual Satyagraha:
Ans: 1940

43. The year in which Rehmat Ali coined the word 'Pakistan':
Ans: 1933

44. What was the promise given to his mother by Gandhiji before his going to England for studying?
Ans: Not to touch liquor and meet

45. What was the purpose behind the establishment of Natal Indian Congress by Gandhiji?
Ans: To fight against racial discrimination

46. What was the real name of Dayanand Saraswathy?
Ans: Mul Sankar

47. What was the real name of Sarala Behn, who was a disciple of Gandhiji?
Ans: Catherine Mary Heileiman

48. What was the subject of the resolution moved by Gandhiji in the first session of the Congress he attended?
Ans: The problems of Indians in South Africa

49. When was Mahathma Gandhi arrested during the 'Quit India Movement' of 1942?
Ans: 9th August 1942

50. When were the Congress Governments formed in seven out of eleven provinces?
Ans: July 1937