ISSB GTO Tasks Tips and Complete Details

Complete Notes for ISSB GTO Tasks. Here is the Complete Guide And notes for ISSB GTO tasks.

The candidates are divided into groups at least 6 and max. 9. The main aim of these tests is to examine the abilities of coordination and team working. In this test self confidence as well as the behavior of the candidate is examined by G.T.O.

First indoor task of ISSB Group tasks is Group DissussionIn this test self confidence as well as the behavior of the candidate is examined by G.T.O. The group discussion or group discussion task has assumed great importance.

Read Here : Complete ISSB Group Dsscussion Details And Topics

    Second GTO task during ISSB is Group Planning.

    ISSB GTO Tasks Tips and Complete Details

    In this task of GTO tests, a problem is on a model is explained by G.T.O and candidates have to solve the problem with in a time limit. Candidates can discuss with each other.

    • First thing to do is to listen to GTO carefully.All senses should be active while listening.
    • Try to understand the problem first.
    • Be confirm about parameters about the MAP i.e distance,time and directions.
    • Make a plan first and then tell your group so that they can help you to calculate time and others suggestions and errors.
    • Never think for yourself.Always think the benefit of all group.

    Third task of GTO Tasks is Full group task. It is the first outdoor task of GTO tasks. In this test the group of candidates has given a task in a specified area and one of them is appointed as commander and they have to pass through an area having hurdles and outbound areas, All candidates are appointed as commander one by one according to their chest numbers.

    Forth GTO Task is  Half Group Task. In this task the group is divided into two sub groups and this time no one is commander and candidates have to pass through a specified area having hurdles and outbound places

    5th ISSB GTO task is Final Group Task. In this task no one is commander and group is combined again and the job is same as above.

    Individual Obstacles are also included in ISSB Group Tasks. In this test a candidate have to pass through 9 obstacles within a limited time.

    Must Read: Complete details of ISSB Individual obstacles.