12 Must Read Advance Java Books for Intermediate Programmers - Part 1

I often receive loads of email about Java book recommendations, something like, I have 2 years of experience, which Java book I should read to become an expert Java programmer, or I have 5 years of experience and want to become a Java expert, which books should I refer? It's interesting that most of the email I receive are not from beginners but from Java developers who has 2 to 3 years of experience. I call them Intermediate Java programmers, because they are in the state of their career where they know how to program in Java but they are not expert yet. They don't know how to write scalable, concurrent and robust code using Java concurrency features, they are learning design patterns but they are not yet using them in real code. They lack unit testing skills and they also don't have design skill a key for expert and senior Java developer. Keeping those things in mind, In this three part series of Java book recommendation article, I'll share 10 to 12 books to develop skills which both an intermediate and advanced Java developer should have.
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