Prime Minister’s Laptops Scheme Phase II Distribution Guidelines

Prime Minister’s Laptops Scheme
Guidelines for Distribution of Laptops during Phase – II

Prime Minister’s Laptops Scheme Phase II Distribution Guidelines

Dear Focal Persons,

The Higher Education Commission has commenced the Phase – II of the Laptops distribution under the Prime Minister’s Laptops Scheme from January 14, 2015. The laptops distribution is in progress at various universities across the country; whereas remaining universities have also planned, the distribution at the respective universities during February 2015.

In the meeting held on November 20, 2014 with the focal persons of various universities, and addressing the issue of having updated students’ data which may not be an easy tasks for universities, it was decided that the updated information should be sought directly from students through the portal. Minutes of meeting was shared with all focal persons accordingly. However, during the distribution activity, it has been learnt that universities are experiencing issues with the claims of students who are having statuses of “Waiting”, “Not Selected”, and “Not Eligible”. For this and to provide necessary guidance as per policy, following guidelines are being provided for assistance to focal persons.

The Merit List(s) being generated by HEC is based on the information provided by the students against the students data provided by universities and uploaded on the Students’ Service Portal.

HEC has taken all necessary cautions while generating these Merit List(s), however absolute correctness of the Merit List cannot be guaranteedUniversities are the best judge to verify and determine the Merit selection of students at the time of distribution of laptops.

Students were informed through a detailed email and were advised to update their profiles with extra care while filling in the information pertaining to semester, year of study, percentage, CGPA.

Students were advised to enter their last exams result as of 30th June 2014 and having documentary evidence in support of their claim. Therefore, students’ results announced on or prior to 30th June 2014 shall be considered at all times.In case, any error found at the time of laptops distribution, student shall be considered disqualified straightaway, even though s\he is selected in Merit List.

The Merit List is generated within the cohorts of same students group, that is, students of same class of a department. Therefore, percentage or CGPA of students of other class and/ or department should not be referred in any case.To overcome the issue of students entered Percentage instead of CGPA or vice versa; or Annual instead of Semester in “Education System” or vice versa, HEC shall generate Merit List(s) mentioning both Percentage and CGPA after conversion as per defined conversion formula.

For the award of laptop, students having 70% OR 2.88 CGPA in Semester-based system; and 60% OR 2.51 CGPA in Annual-based system shall be considered.
Though as per given instructions and well communicated to students, the award of laptop even though announced by HEC, may be revoked if any error or mistake found in the data entered by the student. However, students may be facilitated/ accommodated in certain situations as listed below;

The error or mistake by the Student who has been “Selected” for the award of laptop is not disturbing the Merit list of students of same group (i.e. Inter se merit). However, the correction needs to be recorded and communicated to HEC later.Student(s) having same percentage or grade of a student of same group who has been awarded a laptop or having status as “Selected”.

Students having entered wrong “Education System”, e.g. Semester instead of Annual; OR Percentage instead of CGPA; OR other way round, may be accommodated by converting Percentage to CGPA or vice versa; provided the student fits in the Merit List after conversion.

Students being in following situation or any other situation not listed here, are to be deferred till 2nd Merit List which will be generated after February 07, 2015 which is the last date for students to update their profile for getting status “Accepted for Merit List”. Focal persons are requested to advise all such students to update their profile by due date, i.e. February 07, 2015.

Students having status of “Not Selected” which is primarily due to the fact that student has not updated his/ her profile.

Students having entered incorrect Percentage or CGPA causing his/ her status as “Waiting”.Students having entered wrong “Year of Study” and so slipped out of his/ her cohort group.

Any student “Selected” having wrong “Year of Study” shall NOT be entitled for the laptop, even found in the list shared by HEC. The spare laptop from such student(s) shall be pooled for 2nd Merit List.
Students having status as “Waiting” is primarily due to the fact that the allocated number of laptops to that particular department has exhausted as per merit. However, if there is any laptop spared from the “Selected” students and additional laptops are available for university, the students “Waiting” shall be considered along with others on merit.

Students have been assigned with a status of “Not Eligible” due to any of the following reason(s);Student has entered “Yes” in Employment status while validating record.Student has less Percentage (i.e. 60% in Annual or 70% in Semester) or less CGPA (i.e. 2.51 in Annual or 2.88 in Semester)Student has already received a laptop in past from such initiatives of government.

If you have any query, please feel free to contact with the undersigned.

Jamil Uddin Anwar Amjad

Compaint Cell, Director General (IT)
PM Laptop Scheme, Higher Education Commission

HEC, Islamabad Sector H - 9, Islamabad - Pakistan
Ph # 051-90407372 Ph. +92 (51) 90402200-01
051-90407373 Fax. +92 (51) 90402202
Twitter @anwaramjad