"A Picnic Party" important Essay For Examination

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Picnic can be defined as an excursion for enjoyment and recreation. According to Ambrose Bierce, recreation is defined as
"A pleasent kind of dejection to relieve a general fatigue".
Recreation is the spending of time in pleasurable activities. Engaging ourselves in activities that invite happininess and peace of mind is nothing but recreation. Recreation can refreshing break from the monotony. With the increasing pace of life, we have have become the participants of a never ending rat race. In the fast life, we have becomes too busy to take out time to peep into our self. We have no time to introspect. We have no time to interact. Recreation is an activity, rather an opportunity to take a break. the much needed break from work.
"What is this life if, full of cure, we have no time to stand and stare?"
Recreation is like a rain shower during the days of something heat. It is like aray of moonlight in the dreadful darkness. Recreation is moreover the time to get together to have fun. Developing sometime for recreation on a daily basis helps in the long run in maintaining health and acheiving a peace of mind. So, picnic is also a part of recreational activity. It is an integral part of our life.
"All the history is the biography of great man".
Once my friends planned to visit the famous Tomb of jahangir at Lahore. It was a place which many of us had not visited although we had heard a lot about it. On the appointed day we set out for Lahore and reached there at about 10 am. We decided to go to the tomb of Noor Jahan, the great queen of india first of all. Surrounded by beautiful parks, the front portion of the tomb presented a magnificent look which reminded me the lovely line from keeats, a fmous romantic poet.
"A thing of beauty is joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing".
The main building of the tomb did not appear to be looked after properly. We offered Fateha and proceeded to the arena where great king of india lay buried.
"History is a cyclic poem written by time upon the memories of man".
In a few moments we reached the tomb. The moment we entered through th big gate and looked arround, we were rather disappointed. We thought that the tomb was not such a marvellous affiar as we had expected to be, but the surprise really waited for us. As we move further, we went into a garden. We croosedthe magnificient garden to the entrance of the tomb and instead of goingin decided to climb the towers first. From the tower we could see the city of lahore which lay as one mass of different colours, of different shades and different heights. It seemed as if the river Ravi was flowing right under our feet and th valley of the river in its broadness and bareness was pictureque indeed.
"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places other people see nothing".
We enjoyed a lot. We came down from the tower, took our shoes off and walked into the main building of the tomb. The passage to the tomb was done in beautiful tiles with flowers in the best tradition of Mughal Style.

What surprised us most was the freshness and grandeur of the tomb which had been built more than three hundered years ago. It was awe-inspiring to see and feel that the place where we were three standing was actually the place like that fancy and imagination could be allowed run free. My own thoughts were wandering at that time. I was thinking
"Out beyond ideas of wrong doing
and right doing there is field.
i'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about".
Then we want to the river of Ravi. It was flowing very peacefully. There was serenity and clamness everywhere. We spread a sheet and sat under a cool shady tree. Apart from a good company, nature helped us. The sky was overcast with clouds and the summer sun would not come out. There was a cool breeze indicating that somewhere not at a great distances it was raining. We decided to have a bath in the river. All of us were very good swimmers. Swimming is a very good exercise and we played as we swam in the river. It was really very interesting. After the bath we took our lunch after sometime. Swimming had whetted our appetite already. My sweet cousin also with me. She was looking very beautiful after bathing. i got him aside from my other fellows. And took some patience with her. I had the feeling that
"The end of labour is to gain leisures"
After meals we took rest for a while. We had a mind to play cards. But unfortunatley we had forgotten to bring cards with us. Then we decided to walk around the gardens and fields singing all the way to magoe tree. The ripe mangoes attracted our attention and we had them to our fill. After sometime we decided to return. We reached home at night and were feeling tired. We aere very happy that we had a very enjoyable time of our life during the whole day.
"Harsh days never last forever but good memories does".