Science is a double-edged weapon of the modern world. it is a boon as well as bane. it is so because the changes that it has brought are useful as wee as harmful. it is such an effective tool that it has completely changes the complexion of the world. Now it dominates everybody's life. Our lifesstyle, our working, our entertainment, our attitude have all been influenced by it. At the same time, science has posed cetain threats to the exitence of the whole world. It has shattered man's peace of mind by making him the slave of the latest devices. Above all, the deadly weapons of today can easily turn th world to ruins.
Science has given a complete new look to the world. A wholesale change has occured in every walk of life. Science has given man confidence. This is first and foremost benefit of science. Man of the past lived a subdued life, while the man of today is the real lord of the world. He enjoys such a commanding position only because of science.
Now he has learnt to control the forces of nature. These forces used to horrify our forefathers but now we rule them. We have found many devices to forces things. In this wasy we are able to take the precautionary measures. Take the examples of weather forcasting. It has helped our farm workerss topaln accordingly. Now we are in th position to make tha predictions months before.
The forecasting has saced mnu precious lives which were lost in shipwrecks or air-crashes. Moreover, the system of communicatiuon and forewarning has progressed alot. Now ships and aeoplanes get information well in time.
The changes in man's attitude has played a key role in his progress. He has invented new devices and new machines. Science combines with technolody is serving everybody. It is at work in the field of medicinees and surgury, transportation and communication, industry and commerce as well as in agriculture and education.
Science has its drawbacks as well. It is a branch of knowledge which deals the matter only. As such, it is an effective device for material things. But it has failed miserably in case of man. Man is actually the combination of spirit and matter. If he gives more importance to his physique and igores his soul, he will become a beast. Science has, in fact, satisfied man's physical needs but, in return, it has damged his soul. It has given rise to materailism which has disturbed his peace of mind.
Now this wild beast who was once called man is using science in the field of war without any check and balance. Everyday e is inventing new weapons of wholesale murder of humanity. He has inventingr of humanity. He has invented atomic weapons to massacre mankind. Modern weapons emit poisonous gases that kill only living beings. They do not destroy material things.
Now the lasting conclusion is modern science has given man the deadliest of weapin without any restraints. Only religion can provide this restraint. Unfortunatley, material progress has made us forgetful of our moral duties. It has also brought us away from religion. Modern man with all scienctific progress is like abull the sop of china crockery. The result is total destruction.