Seo On Page

Search engine optimization on page. Am going to show you steps to optimizing your content for google search engine easily. This is on page seo, you do it within your post that is while writing a post. This is very easy and it helps each of your contents to rank higher in google. Seo on page is also critical because it determines how your post will be for google bots.

  • The title is the king
The title is the most important part of a blog post, since it is the one that actually brings in the clicks. Optimizing post titles is a part of being a good blogger. This gives everything to the visitors so it helps in seo on page

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  • Optimize Permalink
Always keep permalinks short. Use custom permalinks of around 4-5 words at max, and separate each word a hyphen "-" but for beginners you can use long tail permalink. Make sure you capture your most important keyword in the permalink (your focus keyword).

Permalink seo on page

  • Intro with keywords
Keep all the keywords you can up with at the start in mind, and use them all in your introductory paragraph. It doesn't matter how many keywords you use in the content. But you must use them all at least once in the intro paragraph.

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  • Headings and subheadings
Always use a combination of different headings. Usually, blog titles are H1s, so never use H1s. Post titles are usually H2s, so don't use H2s either. Use them only rarely. For the most part, use a combination of H3s and H4s in your post to specify a clear hierarchy in your content.

  • Typography
Typography refers to the styling of your content. It is almost as important as the content itself. Try to use different colored headings; use italic and bold text to emphasise your keywords, Also, once you're done writing your content, select all by pressing Ctrl + A, and then justify its alignment, so that the text looks neat at both ends.

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  • Meta descriptions
The Meta description is the second-most important part of your post (after post title), as it is what users will see on a search engine (along with your title). Write a very short description of at most 170-180 characters, and make sure to include all the important keywords in it which you came up with before writing the actual post.

Search description seo on page

  • Internal linking
Every post on your blog must have an internal link to another relevant post.
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.This is one of the many ways to improve our rank. Try to create at least two internal links within your intro paragraph, and at least one or two more in the rest of content. For a detailed guide, read the following post.

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  • Perfect Anchor Text
An anchor text is the text you use to link to another page, and it is what users click to get to that other page. Choosing anchor text is a very important part of linking. Never use a single word anchor text. Always use a phrase. Usually, a three-word phrase is the best option. Always use a keyword phrase as anchor text.
Also, keep in mind to never use the same anchor text twice for the same link. It is considered as keyword stuffing, and/or spamming. Whether on your site or another, always vary the anchor text.

  • Nofollow vs dofollow links
A nofollow attribute in a link tells a search crawler not to 'follow' a link. First of all, when linking to external pages, always link to a page that has a better rank than yours. But if you must link to a lower quality page, always us the rel="nofollow" attribute with the link tag. But never do this for reputable sites, like Google, Wikipedia etc, nor for linking to your own pages.

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  • Use visual content to enhance your posts
Images, videos, infographics, animations; such things spice up your content. If you have a video related to your content, that's great. Otherwise, try to include at least one image in you blog post. And depending upon the topic, you can add many. But make sure you don't add too many, so much so that the textual content gets snuffed out.

  • Naming files and images
Before uploading a video, audio, or image file, always make sure you rename it. Use meaningful keywords, and separate them with dashes. This way, users and search engines can tell what the file is about just by its file path.

  • Optimize images before uploading
Suppose you want to display an image that is 500 pixels wide and 300 pixels high. There's no point in uploading a 1200x720 image. It'll take up space on your server, and rendering time at the user's end. Do everybody a favour, and scale down your images before uploading them.

  • Image Title and Alt text
Always tag images with Titles and Alt text. And always use relevant keywords. We've compiled some posts for you regarding image optimization. Make sure you check them out.

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Once all this steps have been carefully taken and strictly follow while writing your post then the seo on page have been fully activated to assist you in your google ranking and get more traffic. Don't forget to give us feed back to know how this works for you.