PM Fee Reimbursement Scheme Student Data Validation Process HEC 2016

PM Fee Reimbursement Scheme Student Data Validation Process HEC 2016

PM Fee Reimbursement Scheme Student Fee Validation Many universities data of eligible students for validation have been uploaded . Last Date For student validation is 18th March, 2016. Now its a time to validate your data. If you have any problem or facing any problem do not hesitate to ask us or your focal person (Your respective institute person). Remaining universities data will be uploaded soon by HEC. Student already received fee must have to Validate themselves, as further fee reimbursement process would be executed by the system on for validated students.

Masters, M.Phil. and PhD program that student fee validation process (pm is reopened and last and final deadline is March 18, 2016. Therefore the students who did not validate their fee online are advised to validate themselves before deadline as it will not be further extended.

Click Here To Check validation

Incomplete Data: Student with this status may peruse to their respective university / Post Graduate Colleges, they may ask them to provide complete data to HEC so that they become eligible for validation with in the system, unless university may not provide complete they would be consider with the same status.
