King of SaaS, Tom Tunguz on the perfect time for investing and the impact of late stage investors

When it comes to SaaS there are very few as seasoned and wise as Tom Tunguz, a Partner at Redpoint and author of his own wildly successful blog.

Last week following volatility in global stock markets, I had the opportunity to check in with Tom to discuss macro-economics and the public markets and explore the wider implications of their effects on early stage startups.

We discussed why now is the best time to be investing, and why we have seen a contraction in later stage funding rounds. Tunguz touched on the reasons the macro-economy can have a knock on effect on early stage startups and how startups at different stages of the cycle are priced increasingly differently.

Tunguz also into what he believes makes a truly great SaaS startup, the benefits of a free SaaS enabled marketplace model, why in vertical SaaS VCs have to be looking for the winner take all model and how startups can prepare themselves for the potential storm that is on the horizon.
