Class 10th Physics Important Numericals in Board Exams

Class 10th Physics Important Numericals in Board Exams
PakStudyPortal is a very important source for Pakistani students in all aspects. In this post, I am sharing the Most Important Numerical Questions of Physics for 10th Class. Here you can get Class 10th Physics Important Numericals that are mostly repeated in Board Exams, These Important Physics Numericals for 10th Class are based on Punjab Text Book.
10th Class Important Numericals of Physics
Class 10th Physics Important Numericals in Board Exams
I hope this list of Important Numericals 10th Class Physics will be helpful to score high marks in board exams. I suggest you, please prepare only this list of numericals if you can't to do all. Practicing on these numerical questions will be helpful for your board exams

List of Class 10th Physics Important Numericals:

Chapter 18: Exercise:(18.1,18.3,18.9),Example( 18.2)
Chapter 11: Exercise(11.2,11.3,11.4,11.9),Examples(11.1,11.2,11.3)
Chapter 12: Exercise(12.1,12.3,12.4,12.5,12.10),Examples(12.2,1.3,12.4)
Chapter 13: Exercise(13.2,13.4,13.9),Examples(13.1,13.4)
Chapter 14: Exercise(14.2,14.3,14.4),Examples(14.1,14.3,14.7)
Chapter 15: Exercise(15.1,15.2,15.3),Example(15.1)
Chapter 10: Exercise(10.1,10.2,10.410.9),Examples(10.1,10.2)

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