The Dabangg star Salman Khan has supposedly received death threats from an unknown caller. This caused the Mumbai police to launch an investigation. These calls were soon traced back to PCOs situated in suburban Malad and south Mumbai’s Marine Lines.
The first call was received by the city’s Police Control Room on the 16th of February which was then followed by another call on the next day, as reported by Mumbai Police. According to a police officer who was present at the Marine Drive station when the call came.
“We received a call from the control room about the incident and were informed that it was a PCO number from Marine Drive area.”
The police also stated that the perpetrator called in an apparently intoxicated state proclaiming, “Salman Khan ko main goliyan marrunga (I will shoot Salman Khan).”
On inquiry however, Salman Khan revealed that he had not received any such threatening calls. Nonetheless, security for the actor, currently filming for his new movie Sultan, has been tightened.
The Mumbai police has yet to take action against the matter and have not lodged any complains for the time being, on suspicion that it was a hoax call. For further investigations the police are trying to catch the person responsible for the calls by checking the CCTV camera located in the neighborhood from where the calls were made.