As you know, the male body is a hotbed of feel-good zones. But now experts are saying there are nine special spots that you should know about when it comes to sexual gratification. We're talking about passion points that even he may not even know about. "These are places on his body that are literal hot spots, loaded with super-sensitive nerve endings that instantly rev him up when stimulated," explains Patti Britton, PhD, Los Angeles-based clinical sexologist and author of the The Complete Idiot's Guide to Sensual Massage. Here, check out our guide to those nine naughty triggers, as well as the specific lick, squeeze and stroke technique for each that will send him into orgasmic overdrive.
The Outside of His Lower Lip
The male mouth is an obvious hot zone. But zeroing in on that slope between his outside lower lip and chin will bring ultra-intense bliss to his kisser. We've discovered that this tiny, delicate curve is packed with extra-sensitive nerve receptors, says Lou Paget, author of The Big O and a certified sex educator.Manhandle-him move: While making out, suck his lower lip into your mouth. Use the tip of your tongue to stroke up and down mere millimeters below it. "That motion stimulates the whole erogenous zone in a teasing way, which will put him on the erotic edge," says Paget. "And by keeping his lower lip inside yours, you magnify the sensation. It'll feel as if electric currents are shooting from his mouth straight to his member."
The Front of His Neck
Women tend to pay oral attention to the sides of his neck between his ear and his collar — but it turns out they're missing the major stimulation spot: just below his Adam's apple. "The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland about halfway down the front of his neck, is closely linked to the sex organs, according to ancient Chinese medicine," says reflexologist Master Mantak Chia, author of Sexual Reflexology.Manhandle-him move: Have your guy lie on his back with a pillow plumped behind his head so his neck is exposed and slightly arched forward. Warm him up by brushing your wet lips against the hollow of his throat. Next, run the soft flat of your tongue straight up until you're licking his Adam's apple. The thyroid is just beneath it; dip down and pause here and massage the area in wide circular motions with your tongue. "Teasing him in circles ensures that you excite the entire thyroid, so he gets maximum pleasure," says Chia. He'll be so hot and bothered, he'll gurgle your name in gratitude.
His Nipples
You know that your nipples are a carnal command center. Yet experts found your guy's headlights might be even more sensitive, since most men aren't used to having these sexy switches lavished with attention. "For a lot of men, their nipples are uncharted territory — an erogenous zone they haven't experimented with," explains Britton. Touch them, however, and you'll send shock waves of pleasure radiating through him, she adds.Manhandle-him move: Our ultimate manipulation trick is called the ice cream swirl. While he's stretched out on his back, "slowly lick in a circle starting outside his areola, circling closer toward the nipple as you would an ice cream cone," says Britton. Keep tantalizing him by zeroing in closer with your tongue. Finally, quickly flick the nipple, then very gently bite it. "Men love when you slowly build up the pressure like that," she says. So don't be afraid to nip him harder than you would like to be.
To up the erotic ante, suck on an ice cube before you begin. Your cold tongue will supercharge the concentrated cluster of nipple nerve endings.
The Dip Under His Ankle
Halfway between his heel and ankle bone is a fingertip-size pressure point that we've learned has enormous passion potential, explains Laura Norman, author of Feet First. "This spot is linked to the sex organs," says Norman. "Pressing it releases energy, producing feelings of pleasure."Manhandle-him move: Do the deed in the reverse girl-on-top position, so you face his feet. As you sense your guy is getting close to climax, reach forward, grab his ankles and pulse each pressure point in rhythm with your thrusts. He'll blow a gasket in seconds...and playing footsie will never be the same.
His Perineum
Most men are shy about guiding you to this patch of skin just past his family jewels. But beneath it is his prostate gland — an organ with major orgasmic power. "A few soft strokes here will bring him to the brink," says Tracey Cox, author of Supersex.Manhandle-him move: Before he enters you in the missionary position, reach between his legs and lightly tease his entire package. "When your hand is behind his testicles, press your knuckles gently into the smooth flesh," says Cox. Your naughty kneading will bliss him out. Then, knock boots and knead him at the same time. When he's ready to hit the roof, push your knuckles deeper — it'll extend his orgasm, adds Cox.
His Shaft
Any nooky novice can make a man sweat by manipulating his entire love muscle. But carnal connoisseurs now know that one specific member-only move on a certain stretch of his little soldier is so scorching, it'll set his desire on fire.Manhandle-him move: Have your man lie on his back comfortably, then sit between his outstretched legs, facing him. Make two tight rings around his penis with the thumb and index finger of both your hands, placing the rings one on top of the other in the middle of his shaft. Slide the rings in opposite directions, going back and forth from the base to the head simultaneously. "This is a torrid twist on the usual one-handed up-and-down motion," says Cox. "He'll feel incredible friction, especially if you start off torturously slow, building up speed as he gets more and more pumped and then slowing down to keep him in a holding pattern." To make this move even more mind-blowing, squirt some lubricant into your hand.
The Head of His Penis
With more pleasure receptors than any other part of his package, this tip of the amorous iceberg is the nexus of male sex nerves. But it's tricky to get the right level of pressure so you send him soaring into ecstasy, not recoiling in sensory overload, says Barbara Keesling, PhD, author of The Good Girl's Guide to Bad Girl Sex.Manhandle-him move: Try the "lipstick" trick: With your man lying back and his penis stiffly pointing skyward, hold the base with your fingers (not in a fist) to steady him. Brush your closed yet relaxed lips against his head, rubbing it across your wet mouth as if you were applying lipstick. "Heighten the sensation by opening your lips a bit, rubbing his head between them," advises Keesling. Occasionally take the whole head in your mouth, then go back to rubbing the tip against your lips. He'll feel like he's getting a tighter, wetter version of nooky. Plus, he can watch you work him over — a toe-curling treat for him.
The Seam of His Testicles
You know that crinkly crease that separates his boys? Well, it turns out this seam has more passion-packing ability than we thought. "This nerve-rich pleasure trail runs top to bottom along his scrotum," explains Cox. "It isn't touched as often as it should be because not many women — or men — think of it as worthy of attention."Manhandle-him move: To steam up his seam, you have to take the initiative. But tread lightly, since the area is so sensitive. Cradle his family jewels in one hand, then gently press the first two fingertips of your other hand into the top of the crease (close to where the testicles connect to the base of the penis). Trace downward with both fingers until you reach the bottom of his scrotum. While still toying with his twins, run your fingers back up again. "The two types of in-sync stimulation will really rouse him," says Cox. "He'll never let you get away with overlooking this lusty line again."
His Frenulum
The F Spot refers to that tiny knob of flesh underneath the crown of his penis, where the head connects to the shaft. Because it's off the beaten passion path, it doesn't get much amorous attention. But erotic experts and desire divas alike now consider it the booty bull's-eye. "A bundle of nerves meet at this point, so when you touch it, you set off an amazing chain reaction of rapture," says Britton.Manhandle-him move: This frenulum-friendly maneuver will really flip his switch. While holding his penis steady at the base with one hand, slowly circle your tongue around the crown. Each time you reach his frenulum, give it a few fast flicks with just the stiff tip of your tongue, then return to licking the crown. At the same time, work your hand up and down his shaft. He'll respond with a tsunami of moans and groans...followed by an out-of-this-world climax that's liable to wake the neighbors.