General English Sample Questions

Choose the appropriate one word substitute.

1. One who eats everything.
(a) Herbivore                (b) carnivore
(c) Omnivore                (d) Brontosaur
Ans: c

2. The first public performance by a person
a) Debris                       (b) Impromptu
(c) Extempore              (d) Debut
Ans: d

3. One who studies of mankind
(a) Philanthropist         (b) Humanist
(c) Anthropologist        (d) Misanthropist
Ans: c

4. The act of violating religious place/things.
(a) Sacrifice                   (b) Sacraments
(c) Sacrilege                  (d) Sacrosanct
Ans: c

5. One who runs away from justice.
(a) Fugitive                   (b) Cynic
(c) Culprit                     (d) Don
Ans: a

6. One who is womanish in his habits.
(a) Womanizer              (b) Uxorious
(c) Effeminate               (d) Misogynist
Ans: c

7. An imaginary land with perfect social order
(a) Euphoria                 (b) Eldorado
(c) Elysium                   (d) Utopia
Ans: d

8. A speech made without prior preparation.
(a) Elocution                 (b) Peroration
(c) Extempore              (d) Sermon
Ans: c

9. One who acts against religion
(a) Lapidist                   (b) Heretic
(c) Fanatic                     (d) Fundamentalist
Ans: b

10. Holding office without any remuneration
(a) Interregnum           (b) Honorary
(c) Oligarchy                 (d) Nepotism
Ans: b

11. A person in charge of museum
(a) Curate                      (b) Curator
(c) Atlruist                     (d) Novice
Ans: b

12. The art of preserving skin of animals, birds etc..
(a) Taxonomy               (b) Topology
(c) Taxidermy               (d) Neology
Ans: c

13. Release of a prisoner from jail on certain conditions
(a) Parole                      (b) Acquittal
(a) Pardon                     (d) Parley
Ans: a

14. Unfair advantage for one's own relatives
(a) Aimietsy         (b) Amtiy
(c) Nepotism       (d) Optimism
Ans: c

15. A style of writing displaying one's knowledge
(a) Oration          (b) Ornamentation
(c) Pedantry        (d) Showy
Ans: c

Replace the idiomatic expressions with the suitable alternatives:

16. He knew her in the Biblical sense
(a) Had sex with her    (b) Had holy connection with her
(c) Believed her             (d) Had trust in her
Ans: a

17. Be in the land of Nod.
(a) Be awaken               (b) Sleep
(c) Be hazy                     (d) Be doubtful
Ans: b

18. By leaps and bounds
(a) Unsuccessfully        (b) With a long interval
(c) Very quickly            (d) Causing delay
Ans: c

19. Talk through one's hat
(a) Speak silently          (b) Speak carefully
(c) Speak silly things    (d) Murmur
Ans: c

20. Bring down the house
(a) Destroy the house            (b) Make a mess
(c) Make nuisance                  (d) Receive applause
Ans: d

21. Chapter and verse
(a) Separately               (b) In detail
(c) Indefinitely              (d) Carefully
Ans: b

22. French leave
(a) Leave without permission         (b) Long leave
(c) Run away stealing money          (d) A short leave
Ans: a

23. Give up the ghost
(a) Abandon bad habit          (b) Sacrifice one's life
(c) Die                                     (d) Be bed ridden
Ans: c

24. In the family way
(a) Lead a married life           (b) Be the head of the family
(c) Lead a peaceful life           (d) Be pregnant
Ans: d

25. Meet one's Waterloo
(a) Face the final defeat         (b) Be triumphant
 (c) Fight till death                 (d) Face difficulty with patience.
Ans: a

26. Walking papers
(a) A Visa                                (b) A gift voucher
(c) A dismissal notice             (d) An anonymous letter 
Ans: b