Items Banned for Exports from Pakistan.

Items Banned for Exports from Pakistan.

Prohibited and Restricted items for Export in Pakistan

In Pakistan Certain items are forbidden and controlled for export by Pakistan Customs and These items are also prohibited by the IATA(International Air Transport Association). Exporter (Sender)  are responsible for making sure that the destination country will accept the goods they are shipping.

Banned Item Description With Exceptions:

1- Live Animals Or Wildlife Species
NOC from National Council for Conservation of Wildlife (NCCW).
2- Chemicals (as per details in Appendix ‘A’ and ’B’ to this Order).
Prior permission from National Authority (CWC), Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be obtained for Export to States or countries,which have ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention as per procedure is given in paragraph 11 of Order.

3- Human body parts

4- Money

5- Passports

6- Gold

7- Counterfeit products.

Wild Mammals and Reptiles

9- Pulses of all sorts (Daal)

10- Gram (Chana)

11- Sugar Hs Code:1701.0000 
Organic Brown Sugar

12- Fissionable material.

13- Intoxicants and intoxicating liquors defined in the Prohibition. (Enforcement of Hadd) Order, 1979 (P.O. 4 of 1979).
a. Export of any intoxicant or article containing intoxicating liquor under the licenses for bona fide medicinal or other purposes issued under the Prohibition. (Enforcement of Hadd) Order, 1979 (P.O. 4 of 1979) ; and

b. Export of intoxicants by non-Muslim enterprises to non-OIC countries

14- Urea
Subject to the approval of ECC of the Cabinet on case to case basis.

15- DAP, NP, and other Fertilizers.
Except re-export of fertilizer by UNDP and other UN agencies.

16- Charcoal and firewood.

17- Wood and Timber.

18- Shuttering material of Poplar wood.

19- Sann Hemp.

20- Anti-Personnel Landmines (APLS).

21- Antiquities.

1- Livestock. 
As per procedure and conditions laid down by Ministry of National Food Security & Research.

2- Wild Boars its meat and skin. Export of wild boars, its meat and skin shall be permissible only by the non-Muslim exporters.

3- Pet dogs and cats.  Export of pet dogs and cats shall be allowed on the issuance of Quarantine Certificate about health and cage by the Animal Plant Quarantine Department.

4-Onions. Allowed except through land route via Wagah to India

5- Mango.
(i).The export of mangoes to Europe,Canada, Iran, China, Kuwait and Bahrain by air shall be in standardized packaging of 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5 and 8 kilograms with 5% variation in weight on either side.
(ii). Export of mangoes shall not be allowed before 20th May unless otherwise specified by Ministry of Commerce.
(iii). The Pakistan Customs authorities shall enforce the weight standards and date of export.

6-Kino (Fresh). ( The export of Citrus Hybrid (Kino) shall not be allowed before 1st December.)

7-Rice. (Subject to the conditions and procedures specified by the Ministry of Commerce).

8-Poppy Seeds. (Export of imported Poppy seeds shall be allowed if imported from the countries where Opium Poppy is grown licitly in accordance with the provisions of Single Convention).

9- Vegetable ghee and cooking oil.
(i) The export of vegetable ghee and cooking shall be allowed (excluding that manufactured in manufacturing bonds and export oriented units in case of exports to Afghanistan only) provided there is value addition of fifteen percent for edible uses in packs up to twenty-five liters for cooking oil and twenty-five kilograms for vegetable ghee .However, fifty per cent value addition in Ghee cooking oil in non-edible uses in packs up to half a liter or half a kilogram.

(ii) The containers or packages of vegetable ghee and cooking oil exported to Afghanistan will contain ingredient information printed on them in ‘Dari’ and ‘Pushto’ languages.

(iii) Bulk export of indigenous oils (Sun Flower, Canola, and Cotton Seed).

(i) Export contract registration with TDAP against security deposit of 1% of the contract value and presentation of the same before customs authorities with shipping documents along with cotton grading and classification certificate issued by the Pakistan Cotton Standards Institute.

(ii) An irrevocable letter of credit shall be opened by the buyers within thirty-five days and the shipment of contracted quantity shall be completed within one hundred and eighty days of the registration of contract. In case letter of credit is not opened within the stipulated time or non-performance of the contract the security deposit shall be forfeited by the State Bank of Pakistan proportionate to the quantity not-shipped

(iii) The export of cotton shall be allowed on the basis of types as well as grades. The exporters shall, however, mention the grade equivalence on the shipping documents if they opt to export the cotton on type basis and the requirement of classification and grading certificate in such cases, shall be dispensed with if the ginned cotton is packed in export packing.

11-Metals. Export of metals by foreign enterprises will be governed by a special mechanism identified by Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources for checking the prices,etc.

12- Arms, ammunition, explosives and ingredients thereof. NOC from Ministry of Defence

13-Goods, Technologies, material, and equipment related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems. As per provisions of the “Export Control on Goods, Technologies, Material and Equipment related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems Act, 2004 (V of 2004).

14- Complete Rocket and Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) systems and their parts. (i) NOC from Ministry of Defense Production
(ii) As per provisions of the “Export Control on Goods, Technologies, Material and Equipment related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems Act, 2004 (V of 2004).

15- Nuclear substances, radioactive materials and any other substance or item covered by the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority Ordinance, 2001 (III of 2001). (i) As per procedure notified by the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority.
(ii) As per provisions of the “Export Control on Goods, Technologies,Material and Equipment related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems Act, 2004 (V of 2004)”.

16- Equipment used for production, use or application of nuclear energy or activity including generation of electricity and spares related to these.

17-Precious and semi-precious stones and gold jewelry. As per special procedure notified in the Ministry of Commerce Import and Export of Gold, Gold Jewellery, and Gemstone Order, 2001 vide S.R.O. 266(I)/ 2001, dated May 7, 2001.

18-Surgical Instruments. The export of surgical instruments shall be subject to certificate/test report to be issued by the Sialkot Material Testing Laboratory.

19-Fruits in retail packing. Gross weight to be indicated.