NTS - Government of Pakistan Ministry of Defence (Recruitment Test) 2014

Disclaimer: It has been learnt that some individuals/institutions are claiming to have been associated with/authorized by National Testing Service - Pakistan (NTS) and/or Ministry of Defence (MoD) for providing training to the general public, and having books/guides for this recruitment.
It is hereby, notified for the interest of the general public that NTS and MoD neither provide any such training/book nor they have authorized any institution(s)/individual(s) for any activity.
Moreover, the validity of this test is for currently advertised post only.

* Paper will comprise of MCQs and Descriptive sections for all the posts.
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 List of Candidates for Staff Grade :
 Last Date For Application Submission :
 Wednesday, 12th February 2014
 Test Date for Staff Grade :
 Sunday, 2nd March 2014
 Test Date for Assistant Director (BS-17):
 Sunday, 9th March 2014