IBPS Clerk Study Plan and Syllabus

IBPS clerk exam is coming closer and students are excited about this. Last year it was seen that many students who prepared for just few weeks scored very good marks whereas students with wrong approach and preparation methods failed. Today I am going to share proven study plan and syllabus of clerk exam. Before reading this study plan read IBPS clerk books list. Some of you haven't started yet, read then read this plan twice :-

Read IBPS Clerk 12 days study plan

Quantitative aptitude

Most of the students fails because of quantitative section. Syllabus of this section is very vast. I have already shared IBPS quantitative section syllabus in my previous article.

It is a well known fact that there is a lack of time to solve every question. One thing that I found common in winners is that they find and discover shortcuts and tricks to solve questions quickly, In my maths tricks series, I tried to share every shortcut I discovered.
I highly recommend RS Aggarwal's Quantitative aptitude, this is the Bible of quantitative aptitude. In this book you will find wide range of questions from various papers, but this book doesn't teach basic fundamentals. If you want to learn basic fundamentals then buy Quicker Maths by M. Tyra. This book will teach you all he basic concepts.


This section takes few days for preparation. All you need to do is practice all kind of questions. There are merely a dozen type of questions in this section. As the difficulty level is moderate, you don't need to go in depth.
  • Mirror images questions
  • Sitting arrangement 
  • Round table sitting arrangement 
  • Series

For reasoning section there is just one complete book, that is A modern approach to verbal and non-verbal reasoning. This is a big book, you need not to solve every question but solving 15-20 questions of every chapter.


It is very difficult to score in this section within a month but to crack IBPS clerk exam you don't need to be an expert in English. You just need to know tricks to attempt certain types of questions. Various types of questions that appears in IBPS Clerk exam frequently :-
  • Reading comprehension 
  • Sentence completion 
  • Para jumbles
  • Fill in the blanks 
  • Finding grammatical errors 
  • Synonymous and Antonyms

You need just one book for this section, this is Essential English in use. This book is published by Cambridge university press and the best grammar book in the world. Don't buy any other book. Read newspaper or a good blog online to improve your online reading speed.

General awareness

Syllabus of general awareness is very vast. Questions can be asked from geography, history, science, economics etc. It is clearly mentioned in every notification by IBPS that special attention will be given to banking and financial services sector. You can read my general awareness series to prepare for this section.

I highly recommend you to buy India Book, this book is published by Government of India. It is hard to find this book in the market. Test setters use this book to make questions. Don't buy any private publishers book for this section.

Computer section

Most of the students pass this section, only a few with limited knowledge of computers fails to pass in this section. You need basic proficiency in computers to clear this section. You can download computer ebooks from my previous post. Don't buy any book for this section.