Top 5 Concurrent Collections from JDK 5 and 6 Java Programmer Should Know

Several new Collection classes are added in Java 5 and Java 6 specially concurrent alternatives of standard synchronized ArrayList, Hashtableand  synchronized HashMap collection classes. Many Java programmer still not familiar with these new collection classes from java.util.concurrent package and misses a whole new set of functionality which can be utilized to build more scalable and high performance Java application. In this Java tutorial we will some of useful collection classes e.g. ConcurrentHashMap, BlockingQueuewhich provides some of the very useful functionalities to build concurrent Java application. By the way this is not a comprehensive article explaining each feature of all these concurrent collections, Instead I will just try to list out why they are there, which Collection class they replace or provides alternative for. Idea is to keep it short and simple while highlighting key points of those useful java.util.concurrent collections.
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