Roos K Taaqub Main Urdu book free download

The book "Roos K Taaqub Main" (Chasing Russia) is an interesting historical book written by Mr. Maulana Amir Hamza in Urdu Language. In This book Maulana Amir Hamza has narrated his journey story (Safar nama) of Russia after winning the Afghan Jehad against Russa. The writter discussed his journey story of different stats of Russia. He has also discussed
the miracles of Afghan Jehad. Mr. Amir Hamza also written the jehad stories of great and famous Mujahideen-e-Islam. In this book Roos K Taaqub Main, you will find the blessings of Jehad. The writer also contributed the Afghan Jehad against Russia. The Maulana stated his visit story of Kirghistan, Koh-e-Qaaf, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Bukhara, Samarkand,  the grave of Amir Taimor, Moscow and many other stats of Russia. 
According to Mr. Maulana Amir Hamza " when Russia escaped from Afghanistan, I saw Afghanistan from Torkham to the Aamo river-----I saw the blessings of Jehad------I saw the respects of Mujahideen------and Russia as escaped as separated into parts----I chased Russia, I saw the humiliation of Russia and the graces of Jehad and saved it in the history-------I visited Moscow and Chechnya and everywhere i noticed the graces of Jehad".
Do not miss to download this interesting book "Roos K Taaqub Main".

Index of the book "Roos K Taaqub Main" 
Index page 1 of Roos K Taaqub main

Index page 2 of Roos K Taaqub main

Index page 3 of Roos K Taaqub main

Index page 4 of Roos K Taaqub main

Index page 5 of Roos K Taaqub main

Index page 6 of Roos K Taaqub main

Size: 6.20 MB
Pages: 156

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