Cool collection of some Amazing and Rare pictures of india

Here i am presenting some precious and priceless pictures of the India ..........

  • Dairy milk Chocolates from the Year 1905 to 1999

  • Satyajit Ray picture at 22 Years taken in 1943

  • Gandhiji and his wife Kasturba Gandhi

  • Tajmahal covered with a huge scaffold, to protect if from Bomber jets in 1942 during World War

  • Calcutta Bus stand near the Howrah Bridge in the Year 1944

  • The First Newspaper of our Independent india in 15th august 1947

  • The last train from Dhaka to Calcutta taken in 1947

  • The Howrah Bridge Under Construction in 1942

  • The Old Calcutta Dharmatla

  • The two great people Gandhiji and Netaji in 1932

  • The picture of arresting Netaji in his last time

  • The first Railway line Between Mumbai and thane in 1852

  • The incomplete Howrah Bridge 1935

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