Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) Examination 2012 -Previous Questions

PA/SA EXAM Previous years solved Question- English

1. To arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type
a) depoist b) sort c) derive d) detail
Ans. b
2. To help somebody to do something
a) assist b) assess c) accomplish d) accord
Ans. a
3. Each of the metal bars that form the track that trains run on
a) coach b) railing c) rail d) bogie
Ans. c
4. A system in a organization in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest
a) structure b) profile c) hierarchy d) matrix

Ans. c
5. A typical example of pattern of something
a) paradox b) paradigm c) exception d) excerpt
Ans. d
6. A lively and confident person who enjoys being with other people
a) introvert b) extrovert c) geriatrician d) flatterer
Ans. b
7. Letters for conveyance by post
a) mail b) male c) maile d) melee
Ans. a
8. A long leaf of a palm
a) leaflet b) fern c) frond d) pendant
Ans. c
9. To stamp a mark on an envelope to show that the cost of posting it has been paid
a) post b) frank c) tax d) franc
Ans. b
10. The antonym of the word ‘Optimist’ is?
  a) Courageous b) Pessimist c) Pathetic d) Antigen
Ans. B
11. It has been decided to ……………..the office to give it a new look.
a) repair b) renovate c) extend d) renew
Ans. B
12. The clever politician …………his way to the ministerial position in a short time.
a)Moved b) faked c) wangled d) scaled
Ans. C
13. The visit to my home town……………many happy memories of my own childhood.
a) reminded b)retained c)recollected d) revived
Ans. D
14. She can’t pass in the examination ………..she labours hard.
a) unless b) until c) till d) before
Ans. A
15. Choose the mis-spelt word
a)Deliverence b) Deliverance c) Deliveriance d) Diliverece
Ans. B
16. The masculine of the word ‘Enchantress’ is
a) Enchanter b) Enchanters c) Enchantered d) Enchant
Ans. A
17. He was somewhat susceptible …………….flattery.
a) for b) in c) to d) with
Ans. C
18. The synonym of the word ‘Carious’ is
a) Decayed b) Careful c) Watchful d) Cargo
Ans. A
19. He is so …………….of his own idea that he will not entertain any suggestion from others
a) hopeful b) enchanted c) enamoured d)jealous
Ans. C
20. The superlative degree of word ‘Nigh’ is
a) Next b) Eldest c) Utmost d) Farthest
Ans. A